疲惫娇娃 CyberPink
En podkast av Cyberpink
59 Episoder
039|冬季氛围检查:活着就是要挣点钱然后去玩 Winter vibe check: let's just make some money and then have fun
Publisert: 5.2.2024 -
038|和2023年底的脆弱时刻一同步入新年 Striding into the New Year with 2023's Fragile Moments
Publisert: 4.1.2024 -
037|垫底俱乐部 Bottoms:一场酣畅淋漓的Y2K校园“发烧梦” A Gen Z High School Fever Dream
Publisert: 1.1.2024 -
036 | Taylor Swift的时代和我们的青春 Modern Girlhood through Taylor Swift and Her Eras
Publisert: 27.11.2023 -
035 | 「坠楼的审判 」:老公你安心地走吧 Anatomy of a Fall
Publisert: 2.11.2023 -
034 | 两部剧聊聊情感创伤和竞技体育 Exploring the Grief and Sports Narrative
Publisert: 10.10.2023 -
033 | 夏末氛围检查和AMA End of Summer Vibe Check & AMA
Publisert: 4.9.2023 -
032|「奥本海默」下集:环球同此凉热 Oppenheimer Part II
Publisert: 29.8.2023 -
031|「奥本海默」上集:千秋功罪,谁人曾与评说?Oppenheimer Part I
Publisert: 29.8.2023 -
030「芭比」:在粉色镜子里看到自己 Seeing Ourselves in Barbie’s Rose-Tinted Mirror
Publisert: 29.7.2023 -
029 | 我们对性的解读,有如下几种 Here's What We Have to Say About Sex
Publisert: 15.7.2023 -
028 | 过往人生:宏大又细微的爱情寓言 The Expansive Story About Loving Our Past Lives
Publisert: 10.7.2023 -
027 | 好莱坞编剧大罢工与人工智能的幽灵 WGA Strike and the Challenges of Generative Models
Publisert: 1.7.2023 -
026 | 继承之战S4:爬向父亲的王座 The Path to Patriarchy
Publisert: 16.6.2023 -
025|重启人生做一只小鸟吧不然呢 Brush up Life and Then What?
Publisert: 16.5.2023 -
024|打一针就会瘦,然后呢?Is Ozempic the Cure for Fat Bias
Publisert: 7.5.2023 -
023 | 「怒呛人生」让我沟通不如我直接发疯 "Beef": Asian American Fury, Served up Raw
Publisert: 28.4.2023 -
022 | 「最后生还者」:爱能拯救,也能摧毁 "The Last of Us": Love Can Save, But It Can Also Destroy
Publisert: 7.4.2023 -
021 | 横扫奥斯卡的「瞬息全宇宙」 How EEAAO Took the 95th Oscars by Storm
Publisert: 21.3.2023 -
020 | 「白莲花度假村」:出淤泥而全染的人间群像 "The White Lotus 2": a scan of reality
Publisert: 19.3.2023
疲惫娇娃是一档从荧幕聊到宇宙深处的泛文化播客,用女性的声波延展对世界的参与和想象。 在一个内陷的时代,疲惫娇娃站在中国和美国的交汇点上,用女性的元视角去观察、抵抗、塑造政治和社会对流行文化的影响。我们讨论流动的时代精神、艺术、自由、未来、友谊以及一切使我们获得力量的事物。