033 | 夏末氛围检查和AMA End of Summer Vibe Check & AMA

疲惫娇娃 CyberPink - En podkast av Cyberpink

【聊了什么The What】 立秋是万物复苏的季节,这意味着闲聊节目又来啦! 我们在这个夏天结束、秋天开始的季节也支棱了一下,设计了一封问卷,想借这个机会了解一下大家。问卷中也搜集上来了很多大家想要问我们的问题,我们选了一些在这期节目中回答。这封问卷会作为一个信箱保持开放,每一封收回来的问卷我们都会读!如果大家对我们有什么问题和建议,都可以通过问卷丢给我们,也可以给[email protected]发邮件。 Happy pumpkin spice latte season! We like season changes, because it means we get to record our seasonal vibe check episodes. A couple of weeks ago out of a burst of productivity we shipped a survey to get to know yall better, which includes an AMA section where we collected all of your simmering questions. We had so much fun reading the responses (keep’em coming!!), and decided to break out the mailbox for an AMA episode! The survey will stay open, we read every entry religiously, so consider that a way to let us know about your questions, concerns, thoughts, anything you would like us to know. You can also email us at [email protected]. 【时间轴 The When】 01:20 “如果读phd的话想要读什么专业?” 14:21 “好奇几位主播平时喜欢听什么音乐类型呀,走路或者休息的时候会听什么呢?” 24:02 “想问问各位主播的书单” / “主播们是怎么能找到那么多好看的影视作品的?” 50:09 “近期生活里有哪些新经验,或者新尝试,感觉如何?” 01:06:59 “想知道每位主播最欣赏另外三位的什么?” 01:20 "What major would you want to study if you were to pursue a Ph.D.?" 14:21 “I'm curious about what types of music you usually like to listen to. What do you listen to when walking or resting?” 24:02 “I want to ask about the reading lists of each host." / "How do the hosts manage to find so many good films and TV shows?” 50:09 “What are some new experiences or trials you've had recently in life, and how do you feel about them?” 01:06:59 “I want to know what each host most admires about the other three hosts” 【疲惫红书 CyberRed】 除了播客以外,疲惫娇娃的几个女的在小红书上开了官方账号,我们会不定期发布【疲惫在读】、【疲惫在看】、【疲惫旅行】、【疲惫Vlog】等等更加轻盈、好玩、实验性质的内容。如果你想知道除了播客以外我们在关注什么,快来小红书评论区和我们互动。 Apart from the podcast, we have set up an official account on Xiaohongshu. We will periodically post content such as “CyberPink Reading,” “CyberPink Watching,” “CyberPink Traveling,” “CyberPink Vlog,” and more. Those are lighter, more fun and more experimental stuff about our lives. Leave us some comments on Xiaohongshu! 【买咖啡 Please Support Us】 如果喜欢这期节目并愿意想要给我们买杯咖啡: 海外用户:https://www.patreon.com/cyberpinkfm 海内用户:https://afdian.com/a/cyberpinkfm 商务合作邮箱:[email protected] 商务合作微信:CyberPink2022 If you like our show and want to support us, please consider the following: Those Abroad: https://www.patreon.com/cyberpinkfm Those in China: https://afdian.net/@cyberpinkfm Business Inquiries Email: [email protected] Business Inquiries WeChat: CyberPink2022