026 | 继承之战S4:爬向父亲的王座 The Path to Patriarchy
疲惫娇娃 CyberPink - En podkast av Cyberpink
【聊了什么The What】 一部跨时代的美剧就这样结束了。媒体公司Waystar的王座尘埃落定,陪伴我们多年的Logan Roy和四个废物儿女也终于鞠躬谢幕。这部剧推出的时候美国还处在川普任期中,结束的时候美国处在疫情之后的余烬里。有人认为他是一个紧贴着我们生活的世界的多元宇宙,是我们时代精神的缩影;也有人认为他商战剧的外表下真正讲述的故事是关于家庭和创伤。我们所处的这个时代中所有的权力——父权,金钱,政治——都被编剧放在手术台上解剖;我们对于权力结构的看法可能前所未有的被这部剧彻底改变了。 Alas, it is over. The fight for the throne of media conglomerate Waystar Royco has settled. The king, Logan Roy, alongside his four hapless offsprings, have finally taken their bow. The show launched during the peak of the Trump era and ended as the U.S. smolders in the aftermath of a pandemic. Every form of power that is inherent to our era — patriarchy, money, politics — has been laid bare, scrutinized, taken apart on the screenwriter's operation table. Our perceptions of power structures might have been irrevocably reshaped by this show, in ways we cannot quite put into words yet. But still, we try in this episode: 【时间轴 The When】 01:53 对大结局的看法 11:24 继承之战照进现实——CNN的换帅大戏,2020年大选 19:09 错位的道德坐标 33:23 倒数第二集的四段独白 59:29 作为演员的Jeremy Strong和作为角色的Kendall 01:09:12 人是可以成长的吗? 01:53 Thoughts on the Grand Finale 11:24 The Drama of CNN's Leadership Change, the Legacy of the 2020 Election 19:09 Succession’s Displaced Moral Compass 33:23 The Four Monologues in the Penultimate Episode 59:29 Jeremy Strong as an Actor and Kendall as a Character 01:09:12 Can People Really Grow? 【拓展链接 The Links】 INSIDE THE MELTDOWN AT CNN 【疲惫红书 CyberRed】 除了播客以外,疲惫娇娃的几个女的在小红书上开了官方账号,我们会不定期发布【疲惫在读】、【疲惫在看】、【疲惫旅行】、【疲惫Vlog】等等更加轻盈、好玩、实验性质的内容。如果你想知道除了播客以外我们在关注什么,快来小红书评论区和我们互动。 【买咖啡 Please Support Us】 如果喜欢这期节目并愿意想要给我们买杯咖啡: 海外用户:https://www.patreon.com/cyberpinkfm 海内用户:https://afdian.com/a/cyberpinkfm 商务合作邮箱:[email protected] 商务合作微信:CyberPink2022 If you like our show and want to support us, please consider the following: Those Abroad:https://www.patreon.com/cyberpinkfm Those in China:https://afdian.com/a/cyberpinkfm Business Inquiries Email:[email protected] Business Inquiries WeChat: CyberPink2022