038|和2023年底的脆弱时刻一同步入新年 Striding into the New Year with 2023's Fragile Moments
疲惫娇娃 CyberPink - En podkast av Cyberpink
【聊了什么The What】 2023年末,疲惫娇娃又与友台不合时宜录制了一期“不时疲惫”,与大家分享一些2023年我们不愿意透露的脆弱时刻。我们围坐在一起,聊起过去一年中各自独自在黑夜与灵魂对视的脆弱瞬间、无法解开的心结、尚未获得疗愈的创伤。希望你听到这期节目能够收获一些力量。大家新年快乐。 As the ball is about to drop to ring in 2024, CyberPink joined up with our comrades to put together another episode — a raw confessional session airing those vulnerabilities from the past year that we’d rather keep under wraps. We gathered round, spinning yarns into the wee hours about our solitary moments of fragility over months past, staring into the abyss of our souls as darkness enveloped us; the lingering emotional baggage yet to be reconciled and wounds still laid bare for all to see. And cheers to a bright new year ahead, friends. 【时间轴 The When】 (本次时间轴文案由不合时宜提供) 01:35 这期节目的由来:不时疲惫一相聚,都会jam出一集节目;而这期节目关于脆弱和痛苦 03:34 第一次去做心理咨询,心路历程经历了什么变化? 10:43 当一段亲密关系逝去以后,“我”的一部分似乎被带走 14:17 跟父母的关系——遥远又亲近 22:28 埋藏在你的成长经历当中的基底,确实形塑了你是什么样的一个人 36:45 和黑暗的情绪共处时,你用什么方式拉自己出来? 52:33 因为ego的保护,自己可能看不到一些真相 01:01:28 现代人的情绪问题不是一个个体的现象,而是集体性、社会性的现象 01:04:12 在“钱越花越有”的口号下,人人向往模板化的生活,遮蔽了内心真正的追寻 01:09:57 为什么身心灵吸引了那么多女性,这是女权的失败吗? 01:15:13 如何理解宗教对现代社会的作用? 01:25:32 在活着以外,还能做一些正向的事情,就已经额外再创造意义了 01:30:16 如何平衡、界定EGO和自我主体? 01:35 we reunited and had this soulful discussions flow, as in this episode pondering vulnerability and anguish 03:34 One's inaugural therapy session - an intense inner reckoning 10:43 As intimacy dissolves, the lingering sense of losing part of oneself 14:17 Bonds with our parents - profoundly close yet distant 22:28 How the cornerstones of our formative years shape the essence of our identities 36:45 Battling melancholy moods - drawing one's psyche toward sanguinity 52:33 Does ego shield us from difficult self-truths? 01:01:28 Emotional malaise today is not merely personal but shared collective discontent 01:04:12 The compulsion to believe in “the more you consume, the more you have” obscures genuine inner purpose 01:09:57 Why does self-care retain feminine coding - a patriarchal relic? 01:15:13 Can religion still sustain modern life's demands? 01:30:16 Reconciling ego and selfhood - a perpetual undertaking 【拓展链接 The Links】 Gift from the Sea by Anne Morrow Lindbergh 【疲惫红书 CyberRed】 除了播客以外,疲惫娇娃的几个女的在小红书上开了官方账号,我们会不定期发布【疲惫在读】、【疲惫在看】、【疲惫旅行】、【疲惫Vlog】等等更加轻盈、好玩、实验性质的内容。如果你想知道除了播客以外我们在关注什么,快来小红书评论区和我们互动。 Apart from the podcast, we have set up an official account on Xiaohongshu. We will periodically post content such as “CyberPink Reading,” “CyberPink Watching,” “CyberPink Traveling,” “CyberPink Vlog,” and more. Those are lighter, more fun and more experimental stuff about our lives. Leave us some comments on Xiaohongshu! 【买咖啡 Please Support Us】 如果喜欢这期节目并愿意想要给我们买杯咖啡: 海外用户:https://www.patreon.com/cyberpinkfm 海内用户:https://afdian.com/a/cyberpinkfm 商务合作邮箱:[email protected] 商务合作微信:CyberPink2022 If you like our show and want to support us, please consider the following: Those Abroad: https://www.patreon.com/cyberpinkfm Those in China: https://afdian.net/@cyberpinkfm Business Inquiries Email: [email protected] Business Inquiries WeChat: CyberPink2022