Smart Mouth

En podkast av Katherine Spiers / TableCakes Productions - Onsdager


259 Episoder

  1. Thomas Downing & Oyster History

    Publisert: 5.1.2022
  2. Apples & the Downfall of the Red Delicious

    Publisert: 29.12.2021
  3. Coquito and Canned Goods

    Publisert: 22.12.2021
  4. Why Are U.S. School Lunches Like This?

    Publisert: 15.12.2021
  5. Abby Fisher in San Francisco

    Publisert: 11.11.2021
  6. Cheap Wine Will Kill You with Jamel Johnson

    Publisert: 3.11.2021
  7. Legacy & Circus Peanuts with Laurie Woolever

    Publisert: 27.10.2021
  8. Persimmons with Kate Ramos

    Publisert: 20.10.2021
  9. Ruth Wakefield and the Chocolate Chip Cookie

    Publisert: 13.10.2021
  10. Ice Cream Floats with Kristen Miglore

    Publisert: 6.10.2021
  11. Trader Joe's

    Publisert: 29.9.2021
  12. Bakery Boxes with Kristina Cho

    Publisert: 22.9.2021
  13. Succotash with Kelsey Barnard Clark

    Publisert: 15.9.2021
  14. Bagels with David Page

    Publisert: 8.9.2021
  15. Announcement

    Publisert: 8.6.2021
  16. Mochi with Me

    Publisert: 26.5.2021
  17. Food of Singapore with Kheng Hua Tan

    Publisert: 19.5.2021
  18. Pineapples with Andrew Ti

    Publisert: 13.5.2021
  19. Guinness and Ireland with Emily Hourican

    Publisert: 6.5.2021
  20. Garlic Bread with Andrea Wallace

    Publisert: 28.4.2021

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An illuminating, conversational podcast about the surprising histories behind the foods we love. Did you know Mussolini tried to ban pasta in Italy? Or that Cajun food has proud Canadian ancestry? Guests are a mix of experts in their fields and professional funny people, so you'll probably learn something and maybe have a chuckle, too. Hosted by Katherine Spiers, former food editor at LA Weekly and current manager of the website How to Eat L.A.

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