
En podkast av Julia Wells - Tirsdager


230 Episoder

  1. how I think about my “why” in business

    Publisert: 12.9.2023
  2. how I got comfortable with money (so I could make more)

    Publisert: 29.8.2023
  3. how I hold uncomfortable launch energy

    Publisert: 22.8.2023
  4. money convos we aren’t having (and need to be)

    Publisert: 15.8.2023
  5. what I wish someone had told me sooner

    Publisert: 8.8.2023
  6. read my 2019 journal with me

    Publisert: 1.8.2023
  7. the beliefs I use to scale (at every level)

    Publisert: 25.7.2023
  8. what’s working for high ticket sales rn

    Publisert: 18.7.2023
  9. how I get back into abundance when I feel crunchy

    Publisert: 11.7.2023
  10. get big results using my 4D method

    Publisert: 4.7.2023
  11. is something wrong with me?

    Publisert: 20.6.2023
  12. steal my juiciest reframes I use to get clients

    Publisert: 13.6.2023
  13. what I do when my mindset work isn’t working

    Publisert: 6.6.2023
  14. how being messy allows me to make more money

    Publisert: 30.5.2023
  15. the 4 things I do to create more of what I want

    Publisert: 23.5.2023
  16. how Faith pussified her cancer journey

    Publisert: 16.5.2023
  17. how to make bank with a small audience

    Publisert: 9.5.2023
  18. these 2 questions will save you when it comes to team

    Publisert: 3.5.2023
  19. how I deal with disappointment

    Publisert: 25.4.2023
  20. how I hold myself in launch dips

    Publisert: 18.4.2023

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This podcast is for boss ass bitches who are looking for an alternative to hustle, burnout, hiding parts of who they are, and playing by rules created by men for men. Some fabulous guests and I will teach you each week about your super power as a woman (pussy - both physical + energetic) and how to use it to create more pleasure and profit in business and a life that’s legit better IRL than on IG. The truth is, pussy always creates more profit. Wanna learn how? Subscribe and tune in weekly! Real, raw, hilarious and helpful. If you aren’t saying ‘hell yes!’ or ‘wait...WTF?!’ on the reg, I’m not doing my job.

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