Zen Community of Oregon Dharma Talks
En podkast av Zen Community of Oregon

628 Episoder
New Year's Sesshin - Talk 2
Publisert: 25.1.2020 -
New Year's Sesshin - Talk 1
Publisert: 24.1.2020 -
Pari-Nirvana Sesshin Talk 5
Publisert: 31.12.2019 -
Pari-Nirvana Sesshin Talk 3
Publisert: 31.12.2019 -
Pari-Nirvana Sesshin Talk 1
Publisert: 31.12.2019 -
New Years Sesshin Talk
Publisert: 31.12.2019 -
Heart Centered Zen Pt 1 - Metta Sesshin Talk
Publisert: 31.12.2018 -
The Koan of Trust - Heart of Wisdom Talk
Publisert: 31.12.2018 -
Heart Centered Zen Pt 2 - Metta Sesshin Talk
Publisert: 31.12.2018 -
Dis-adhere and Re-magic! - On Dai E Zenji's Vow for Awakening - Sunday Talk
Publisert: 31.12.2018 -
How to Live Non-Duality? - on the koan Joshu and the Hermits - Heart of Wisdom Talk
Publisert: 31.12.2018 -
The Blessing of Knowing Oneself
Publisert: 31.12.2018 -
Is There A Truth Beyond Articulation? - on the koan Not Buddha, Not Mind - Mumonkan Case 27
Publisert: 31.12.2018 -
A Heart Larger Than Success and Failure - on the koan Two Monks Roll Up the Blinds - Mumonkan Case 26
Publisert: 31.12.2018 -
Golden Thread of Buddha Nature- Ancestors Sesshin Talk
Publisert: 31.12.2018 -
Cultivating the Empty Field Talk 2 - July Sesshin
Publisert: 31.12.2018 -
Mending the Untorn Cloth - On the Practice of Atonement
Publisert: 31.12.2018 -
A Good Thing is Better Than Nothing - On the Koan 'Everyone Has A Light'
Publisert: 31.12.2018 -
Untangle in the Expanse - Rohatsu Sesshin Talk
Publisert: 31.12.2018 -
Unity Beyond Views - Heart of Wisdom Talk
Publisert: 31.12.2017
New podcasts every Tues, Thurs and Sat. Here you can find talks from various teachers involved with the Zen Community of Oregon. We share talks from our retreats, as well as our different weekly offerings between Great Vow Zen Monastery and Heart of Wisdom Zen Temple. Zen Community of Oregon's purpose is to express and make accessible the wisdom and compassion of the Buddha’s teachings, as transmitted through an authentic, historical lineage. To support and maintain Zen Buddhist practice in order to realize and actualize our Buddha nature in everyday life. For more information, please visit zendust.org.