The Essentially Erin Podcast

En podkast av Erin Wilkins

3 Episoder

  1. S1E3 - Tongue Ties, Epidurals, Plagiocephaly | Dr. Courtney Kahla

    Publisert: 15.5.2024
  2. S1E2 - Farrah's Birth, Midwifery Wisdom, and the Transformation in Birth | Kaleem Joy

    Publisert: 8.5.2024
  3. S1E1 - My Story | Erin Wilkins

    Publisert: 8.5.2024

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Welcome to The Essentially Erin Podcast where we’ll talk about the good, the hard, and everything in between. I hope you come here and feel empowered, inspired, and just a little bit less alone.

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