Super Marcato Bros. Video Game Music Podcast

En podkast av Karl & Will Brueggemann


601 Episoder

  1. Marcato Classic: Bad Music 8

    Publisert: 14.4.2024
  2. Guest Host Takeover: Mega Man 3

    Publisert: 31.3.2024
  3. Q&A: Disney Songs, Games as Less Than, New Careers

    Publisert: 17.3.2024
  4. New Release: Penny's Big Breakaway

    Publisert: 4.3.2024
  5. Marcato Radio 35

    Publisert: 19.2.2024
  6. Revisited: Sunsoft

    Publisert: 4.2.2024
  7. Original Showcase: Galactic Shift!

    Publisert: 23.1.2024
  8. Original Showcase: Unstable Scientific!

    Publisert: 7.1.2024
  9. Off Topic: Christmas Music

    Publisert: 24.12.2023
  10. Marcato Radio 34

    Publisert: 11.12.2023
  11. Nintendo Month '23: The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

    Publisert: 26.11.2023
  12. Nintendo Month '23: The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask

    Publisert: 13.11.2023
  13. Discord Discotheque: Halloween

    Publisert: 29.10.2023
  14. Series Spotlight: Final Fantasy

    Publisert: 16.10.2023
  15. Revisited: Kid Icarus Uprising

    Publisert: 2.10.2023
  16. Catching Up: Summer's End 2023

    Publisert: 18.9.2023
  17. Downforce: Upshift!

    Publisert: 4.9.2023
  18. Marcato Radio 33

    Publisert: 20.8.2023
  19. Marcato Classic: Dungeons of Aether

    Publisert: 7.8.2023
  20. Behind Your Back: Sonicesque

    Publisert: 24.7.2023

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A podcast which shares, discusses and analyzes the best in video game music from all different generations. Topics of discussion include: composition, melody, harmony, chords and rhythm, as well as technical aspects, such as hardware limitations and production. Enjoy a new episode every Monday!

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