Psychiatry Advances

En podkast av UPMC Western Psychiatric Hospital


46 Episoder

  1. Severe Anxiety in Older Adults and its Effects on Brain and Body Aging

    Publisert: 14.2.2024
  2. Clarifying Subtypes of Depression: From Neural Circuits to Behavior

    Publisert: 13.11.2023
  3. Mindfulness, Mood Lability, and The Brain in Youth at Risk: Neural and Behavioral Mechanisms

    Publisert: 21.12.2022
  4. The Importance of Menopause for Womens’ Physical and Mental Health

    Publisert: 21.11.2022
  5. Psycho-Oncology Center for Counseling and Cancer Support

    Publisert: 31.8.2022
  6. Treating Behavioral Manifestations Of Neurological Illness

    Publisert: 26.7.2022
  7. The University of Pittsburgh Department of Psychiatry Is Committed to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

    Publisert: 18.5.2022
  8. Enhancing the Diagnosis for ADHD-Hyperactivity-By Mobile Sensing

    Publisert: 10.3.2022
  9. Circadian Rhythms, What are They? How Do These Affect Psychiatric and Other Diseases (Disorders)

    Publisert: 2.3.2022
  10. Adolescent Brain Development and Establishing Adult Trajectories

    Publisert: 27.12.2021
  11. Substance Abuse (Marijuana) and Reproductive Health of Mothers and Their Children

    Publisert: 30.11.2021
  12. Neuromodulation With Deep Brain Stimulation(DBS) for Alcohol Use Disorder

    Publisert: 17.11.2021
  13. Mother-Child Brain Synchrony - The Intergenerational Transmission of Depression

    Publisert: 4.10.2021
  14. Neurofeedback for Depression - Amygdala Studies

    Publisert: 11.8.2021
  15. Sleep Disturbances in Schizophrenia and Psychosis

    Publisert: 21.7.2021
  16. Bio-Behavioral Treatments for Depression and Anxiety: Leveraging Neuroplasticity

    Publisert: 30.6.2021
  17. Role of Motivational Interviewing in Covid-19 Vaccine Hesitancy

    Publisert: 12.5.2021
  18. Social Determinants of Racial Disparities in Alcohol problems prior to and during Covid 19

    Publisert: 14.4.2021
  19. The Placebo Effect

    Publisert: 10.3.2021
  20. Brain Science, Clozapine and Early Intervention in Psychosis

    Publisert: 10.2.2021

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Discover innovative research and patient-centered programs at the cutting edge of psychiatry and behavioral health sciences on the “Psychiatry Advances” podcast series. Psychiatric, psychological, nursing, and rehabilitative professionals will enjoy this podcast from UPMC Western Psychiatric Hospital of Pittsburgh, a national leader in the innovative treatment of mental health and addictive disorders.

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