Life Answers: A Complete Audiobook Reading of Sri Nisargadatta Maharajah's I AM THAT

En podkast av Steve Wasserman


64 Episoder

  1. 23. The Great Heart Beats - And At Each Beat, A Universe Comes into Being Being

    Publisert: 9.9.2021
  2. 22. Passionately Dispassionate

    Publisert: 8.9.2021
  3. 21. Life Is Love & Love Is Life

    Publisert: 7.9.2021
  4. 20. Find What You Have Never Lost,And What You Cannot Find

    Publisert: 7.9.2021
  5. 19. When We Begin To Question The Dream That Is Our Lives, Awakening Is Not Far Away

    Publisert: 6.9.2021
  6. 18. Know The Knowers And All Will Be Known

    Publisert: 5.9.2021
  7. 17. Off The Thingy

    Publisert: 4.9.2021
  8. 16. To Know What You Are, Find What You Are Not

    Publisert: 3.9.2021
  9. 15. The Ever-Present

    Publisert: 2.9.2021
  10. 14. Desire and Freedom

    Publisert: 1.9.2021
  11. 13. What Is Real?

    Publisert: 31.8.2021
  12. 12. Causes and Causelessness

    Publisert: 30.8.2021
  13. 11. Consciousness

    Publisert: 29.8.2021
  14. 10. A Person Is Not Reality

    Publisert: 28.8.2021
  15. 9. Awareness Versus Consciousness

    Publisert: 27.8.2021
  16. 8. Desire and Witnessing

    Publisert: 26.8.2021
  17. 7. I Have Eaten Up The World And Need Not Think About It Anymore

    Publisert: 25.8.2021
  18. 6. Self Stands Beyond The Mind

    Publisert: 24.8.2021
  19. 5. What Is Born Must Die

    Publisert: 23.8.2021
  20. 4. A Thing As As It Is, Because The Universe Is As It Is

    Publisert: 22.8.2021

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For more information about this project, please listen to the Introductory Episode, or read the text for that episode which can be found here:

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