Kingka Podcast - K-Drama and Language Learning
En podkast av Rome Juanatas
75 Episoder
Everything is precious in its own place 다 자기 자리에서 다 소중하다 - Space Sweepers 승리호 | A Korean Movie Review
Publisert: 14.2.2021 -
I prefer meeting a person naturally 자만추에요, 제가 - Run On 런 온 (Take 2)
Publisert: 7.2.2021 -
Am I also an attention seeker? 나도 관종인가요? - Run On 런 온 (Take 1)
Publisert: 31.1.2021 -
How to live like a proper human being 어떻게 해야 인간답게 살 수 있을까요 - Sweet Home (Netflix) 스위트 홈
Publisert: 24.1.2021 -
Artificial Beauty VS Natural Beauty 인공미인 VS 자연미인 - True Beauty 여신강림 (Take 1)
Publisert: 17.1.2021 -
Like a Wild Horse in the Green Pasture 처 푸른 초원 야생마처럼 - Mr. Queen 철인왕후 (Take 1)
Publisert: 10.1.2021 -
Like a dayfly 하루살이처럼 - 아들 My Son 2007 | A Korean Movie Review
Publisert: 3.1.2021 -
Sailing off without a map 지도 없는 항해 - 스타트업 Start-Up (Take 2)
Publisert: 27.12.2020 -
I wanted to become the person that you want 네가 원하는 사람이 되고 싶은데 - 스타트업 Start-Up (Take 1)
Publisert: 20.12.2020 -
I love you, let's break up 사랑해, 우리 헤어지자 - #청춘기록 Record of Youth Ep 13-16
Publisert: 13.12.2020 -
I wanna share it with you 함께 공유하고 싶어 해 - #청춘기록 Record of Youth Ep 9-12
Publisert: 6.12.2020 -
Did you go clubbing? 콜라텍 갔었어? - #청춘기록 Record of Youth Ep 5-8
Publisert: 29.11.2020 -
Gold Spoon or Dirt Spoon? - #청춘기록 Record of Youth Ep 2-4
Publisert: 22.11.2020 -
I Am 킹카, I am the King of K-Drama (The Long Introduction)
Publisert: 22.11.2020 -
What is 킹카 podcast?
Publisert: 22.11.2020
Reviewing your favorite K-drama and K-movies while catching up with the trends in the Korean language and culture. Let's talk more on Twitter @RomeJuanatas or @kingkapodcast | Kingka Podcast is part of the BUNK Collective. Discover more podcasts at and connect with us through social media @thebunkph | Support this podcast through and | For inquiries, e-mail us at [email protected]