Instant Coffee

En podkast av LSE Middle East Centre - Tirsdager


31 Episoder

  1. 3.8 Data for Development with Nagla Rizk

    Publisert: 7.5.2024
  2. 3.7 Living in the Future with Rahel Aima

    Publisert: 23.4.2024
  3. 3.6 Art Meaning and Art Making with Nadim Choufi

    Publisert: 9.4.2024
  4. 3.5 Archiving and Mapping Technologies in Palestine and Syria

    Publisert: 26.3.2024
  5. 3.4 Fintech, Crypto and Sanctions in Iraq and Iran

    Publisert: 12.3.2024
  6. 3.3 Re-Appropriating Technologies with and for Refugees and Migrants

    Publisert: 27.2.2024
  7. 3.2 Knowledge Production Across Empires

    Publisert: 13.2.2024
  8. 3.1 Digital Rights and Big Tech in MENA

    Publisert: 30.1.2024
  9. 2.10 A Brief History of Wine with Farrah Berrou

    Publisert: 23.11.2021
  10. 2.9 An A-Z of food names with Salma Serry

    Publisert: 26.10.2021
  11. CALLOUT: We want your stories of food names

    Publisert: 12.10.2021
  12. 2.8 The Sudanese Kitchen(s) with Omer Eltigani

    Publisert: 28.9.2021
  13. 2.7 Migrant Cuisine in the Expat City with Vidya Balachander

    Publisert: 14.9.2021
  14. 2.6 Behind 'The Iranian Vegan' with Mana Shamshiri

    Publisert: 31.8.2021
  15. 2.5 Food as a human right with Michael Fakhri

    Publisert: 3.8.2021
  16. 2.4 Sowing Solidarity with Vivien Sansour

    Publisert: 20.7.2021
  17. 2.3 Iraqi Cuisine from Mesopotamia to Mosul with Nawal Nasrallah

    Publisert: 6.7.2021
  18. 2.2 Yemen's Coffee Revolution with Faris Sheibani

    Publisert: 22.6.2021
  19. 2.1. Beetroot Hummus and Culinary Appropriation with Fadi Kattan

    Publisert: 8.6.2021
  20. 1.12. Food of the Middle East with Claudia Roden & Sami Zubaida

    Publisert: 11.12.2020

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This is Instant Coffee, your quick fix of everything Middle East. This podcast, brought to you by the LSE Middle East Centre, features 20-minute conversations with activists, artists, journalists and more from the region.

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