Grumpy GDPR

En podkast av Rie & Miloš

41 Episoder

  1. Network of Strings

    Publisert: 5.1.2023
  2. Grumpy Christmas! (And a Grumpy New Year!)

    Publisert: 27.12.2022
  3. Accountability zucks

    Publisert: 13.12.2022
  4. All is (not) fine

    Publisert: 29.11.2022
  5. Overdue diligence

    Publisert: 15.11.2022
  6. No harm, no foul w/Max Schrems

    Publisert: 1.11.2022
  7. This is a robbery

    Publisert: 18.10.2022
  8. I'll be watching you

    Publisert: 4.10.2022
  9. Guiding dissent

    Publisert: 20.9.2022
  10. Data malnutrition

    Publisert: 13.9.2022
  11. School is Cancelled

    Publisert: 30.8.2022
  12. Privacy crusaders 🫡

    Publisert: 16.8.2022
  13. TIA Superhero 🦸 David Rosenthal

    Publisert: 9.8.2022
  14. Back to School!

    Publisert: 3.8.2022
  15. You can't fire me ✋

    Publisert: 2.8.2022
  16. Google Got Schooled

    Publisert: 19.7.2022
  17. Excessively confused!

    Publisert: 5.7.2022
  18. This is not a test

    Publisert: 15.6.2022
  19. Club Can't Handle Us

    Publisert: 8.6.2022
  20. Standard Confusing Clauses?

    Publisert: 26.5.2022

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Interesting, fascinating, provoking, insightful - or all of the above - GDPR decisions, rulings and other tidbits discussed by two very opinionated people.

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