Growing Up Podcast

En podkast av Andy Perry and Kate Perry - Mandager

34 Episoder

  1. Teaching school kids to grow food within inner city Birmingham.

    Publisert: 20.5.2024
  2. Gardening Jobs for May

    Publisert: 13.5.2024
  3. Sowing seeds in May? Come to the garden centre with us...

    Publisert: 7.5.2024
  4. Planning Mum and Dad's Garden

    Publisert: 29.4.2024
  5. Wellbeing, mindfulness and the importance of taking time in your garden for yourself.

    Publisert: 22.4.2024
  6. Gardening through April showers - is anyone else feeling soggy?

    Publisert: 15.4.2024
  7. Bringing wildlife into your growing space.

    Publisert: 8.4.2024
  8. Gardening Jobs for April - SUCH an exciting month in the growing space.

    Publisert: 1.4.2024
  9. Leaving corporate world to grow plants, one year on does Kate have any regrets?

    Publisert: 25.3.2024
  10. Medieval gardening - we travel back in time.

    Publisert: 18.3.2024
  11. Get ready for the acceleration of growth

    Publisert: 11.3.2024
  12. Herbs to plant in early Spring.

    Publisert: 4.3.2024
  13. Roots Allotments: A new way of doing allotments

    Publisert: 26.2.2024
  14. Gardening and Lockdown - a Spring like no other.

    Publisert: 19.2.2024
  15. Let's go to the Farmers Market!

    Publisert: 12.2.2024
  16. Gardening Jobs for February - what a strange gardening month.

    Publisert: 5.2.2024
  17. Growing food and the importance of slow living.

    Publisert: 29.1.2024
  18. Ever thought of starting a business in horticulture? We dig a little deeper....

    Publisert: 22.1.2024
  19. Planning your 2024 Garden - what we will sow and grow in 2024

    Publisert: 15.1.2024
  20. Can you grow food to save money? We talk to James Wong.

    Publisert: 8.1.2024

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For those who love to grow, who are happiest in the garden, allotment or greenhouse.  Hosted by Andy and Kate, a green-fingered couple who love growing,  and are on a mission to share the joy of all things plant-related.  

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