DosAgos Podcast

En podkast av DosAgos


1 Episoder

  1. What is intellectual property and why do you need to know about it?

    Publisert: 8.5.2024

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DosAgos Podcast seeks to shine a spotlight on the crucial role intellectual property plays in driving innovation, sparking creativity and fuelling economies. We look into the fascinating world of intellectual property, emerging technologies, and ethical considerations. Through captivating stories and insightful discussions, we're here to inspire, educate, and spark your curiosity. A note: DosAgos podcast and episodes are not, under any circumstance, a substitute for professional legal advice. The Podcast is an educational tool, designed to equip you with basic and entertaining knowledge of intellectual property (IP) that you can build and expand upon. Remember, legal information and legal advice are two different things and DosAgos Podcast’s aim here is to provide information – they're different, but both essential.

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