飽きっぽい fickle / get bored easily (#28)

ボキャブラリー練習!Vocabulary Practice (In English and Japanese) - En podkast av ケビン


1. 彼は何にでもすぐに飽きっぽい性格だから、趣味が長続きしないんだ。He has a fickle personality, so his hobbies never last long. 2. 飽きっぽい人は、一つのことを続けるのが苦手だ。A fickle person finds it hard to stick to one thing. 3. 子供たちは、飽きっぽいからすぐに新しいおもちゃを欲しがる。Kids are quick to lose interest, so they soon want new toys. 4. 彼女は飽きっぽい性格だけど、この仕事には長く続いている。She has a fickle personality, but she’s been sticking with this job for a long time. 5. ゲームに対しては飽きっぽいけど、映画はいつまでも楽しめる。I’m quick to lose interest in games, but I can enjoy movies for a long time. 6. 飽きっぽい私でも、この料理は毎日食べられるかもしれない。Even someone as quick to get bored as me could eat this dish every day. 7. 飽きっぽい人は、しっかりした目標を立てることが大事だよ。For fickle people, it’s important to set solid goals. 8. 彼は新しいことを始めるのは得意だけど、飽きっぽいからすぐにやめてしまう。He’s good at starting new things, but he’s fickle, so he stops quickly. 9. 飽きっぽい性格のせいで、同じ仕事をずっと続けるのは無理だと思う。Because of my fickle nature, I don’t think I can stick with the same job for long. 10. 飽きっぽいけど、今回は本当に最後までやり通すつもりだ。I’m quick to lose interest, but this time I really intend to see it through to the end.

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