頭に来る (#30)

ボキャブラリー練習!Vocabulary Practice (In English and Japanese) - En podkast av ケビン


あの人の言い方には本当に頭に来るよ!The way that person talks really makes me angry!​ 遅刻ばかりする彼には頭に来ることが多い。I’m often upset with him because he’s always late.​ こんなに混んでいる電車には毎日頭に来る!The crowded trains every day really get on my nerves!​ 彼女が何度も同じミスをするのが頭に来るんだよ。It drives me crazy that she keeps making the same mistake over and over.​ 上司の理不尽な態度には頭に来るけど、我慢するしかない。My boss’s unreasonable attitude makes me angry, but I just have to endure it.​ 友達が約束を破ると本当に頭に来る。It really annoys me when my friends break their promises.​ 彼の失礼な言動には頭に来るけど、今は黙っておこう。His rude behavior makes me mad, but I’ll keep quiet for now.​ いつも文句ばかり言われると、さすがに頭に来るよ。When I’m always being complained to, it eventually gets to me.​ 電話での無礼な対応に頭に来たので、すぐに切った。I was so angry at the rude response over the phone that I hung up immediately.​ 何度注意しても直さない彼には本当に頭に来る。It really irritates me that no matter how many times I warn him, he doesn’t fix it.

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