History of Swear Words (2021) | Minisode #10
Victims and Villains - En podkast av Victims and Villains

Oh fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuudge. Have you ever stopped to think about where the vulgarity we use every day comes from? In the new Netflix series, History of Swear Words, breaks down your favorite words to discuss their history, cultural impact and more. All with Nicolas Cage at the beautiful center of these six episodes. In this mini-episode, we recount our favorite moments from the season, favorite Nic Cage and what we found most fascinating. All this and effing more on this damn episode!If you or someone you know is reading this right now and struggling with suicide, depression, addiction, or self-harm - please reach out. Comment, message, or tweet at us. Go to victimsandvillains.net/hope for more resources. Call the suicide lifeline at 1-800-273-8255. Text "HELP" to 741-741. There is hope & you DO have so much value and worth!You can now support us on Patreon. Help us get mental health resources into schools and get exclusive content at the same time. Click here (http://bit.ly/vavpatreon) to join today.This episode of Victims and Villains was written and produced by Josh “Captain Nostalgia” Burkey and Allen Cramm.You can now support us on Patreon. Help us get mental health resources into schools and get exclusive content at the same time. Click here (http://bit.ly/vavpatreon) to join today.