Victims and Villains - En podkast av Victims and Villains
Welcome to another adventure within the multiverse! It's that time of year again - the holidays. Much like Thanos says, dread it, run from it - they always come. We all love or hate this time a year for a multitude of reasons. For most of us, we probably celebrate Christmas but there is more than just than just a holiday revolving around Santa Claus and presents. For this journey, we are going i depth for the holiday of Hanukkah. Find out what are its traditions, origins, games, food and more as we sit down with Ross Weisman, host of Kidflix (http://bit.ly/rosskid) & Just the Jew of Us (http://bit.ly/justthejewofus).
And more importantly, if you or someone you know is struggling with suicide, addiction, self-harm or depression - please free feel to reach out. Use any of our resources (https://bit.ly/2KzYwfI), call the suicide lifeline (1-800-273-8255) or text 741-741.
Music by Beggars (https://bit.ly/2x69ZuL).