172: iPhone XS #BeautyGate is doing something weird...

Vector with Rene Ritchie


Spoiler Alert: Apple isn’t applying a beauty filter to your iPhone XS selfies. I’ve covered this in both my initial review and my 3-weeks-later review, but that particularly bad bit of intel just keeps making the rounds, so I wanted to do proper video and a real explainer to lay it to rest once and for all.

BeautyGate or #SmoothSelfieGate began as most quote-unquote gates do: A combination of people with legitimate questions and concerns and those who are super eager to amplify anything they can in order to get attention, even and especially if it does nothing to answer those questions or address those concerns. Add internet and… wildfire.

But, if you dig into why people are concerned and you go beyond those who’s sole intent is to sensationalize, you get to something truly fascinating:

The ongoing evolution for camera system to computational photography system.

Here's what's really, actually, truly, technically happening!


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