Taxonomy, Folksonomy and Metadata - an Interview with Karen Loasby

UXpod - User Experience Podcast - En podkast av Gerry Gaffney


Karen Loasby is the information architecture team leader for the BBC.

I spoke to her about metadata, taxonomy and related topics.

How do you manage metadata issues when you're dealing with millions of pages, and thousands of authors?

Karen referred to two sites during our discussion. The BBC Feed Factory is and Etsy is

You might also want to check out Karen's article "Changing Approaches to Metadata at From Chaos to Control and Then Letting Go Again" ( and her presentation on "The Growing Pains of a Controlled Vocabulary" for the 2005 IA Summit (this is in PowerPoint and is around 260kB).

This episode is 18 minutes 20 seconds in duration. File size is 8.6MB.

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