149.SV Barn och ungdomsperspektiv inom utbildningsmiljöer - Åsa Lindgren
Urbanistica Podcast - Cities for People - En podkast av Mustafa Sherif

Åsa Lindgren (VD-stab Hållbarhetsstrateg på SISAB) berättar om hennes roll på Skolfastigheter i Stockholm AB som socialhållbarhetsexpert. Åsa ger tips och råd på hur barnkonventionen integreras i våra verksamheter och hur vi kan tänka socialhållbarhet i våra stadsutvecklingsprojekt. Follow Urbanistica Urbanistica InstagramUrbanistica FacebookUrbanistica Youtube channelMustafa Sherif LinkedinThanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/enVisit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations.Note ! The sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening.Stay safe ! KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.