Type 40 • A Doctor Who Podcast #118: Supply & Demand - The Unquiet Dead Review
Type 40 • A Doctor Who Podcast - En podkast av The Spacebook
Our Type 40 review panel are back together again to round off their looks at the very beginnings of Russell T Davies first stint as Doctor Who showrunner, back in 2005. It’s perhaps the series first proper Christmas story and an encounter not just with the walking dead but one of yesterday’s most celebrated writers. Brought very much to life by one of today’s best loved character actors... Regular host Dan forms a circle with screenwriter and director Ian David Diaz and Wendy from the Department of Wendology, for this return to Series 1: In times past, The Unquiet Dead written by Mark Gatiss often provoked debate! Will our panel find it cold comfort or give it a glowing review, all these years and several more celebrity historicals later?