Twin Peaks Unwrapped 218: Community Rewatch S2: Episode 9 with John Thorne
Twin Peaks Unwrapped - En podkast av Ben Durant & Bryon Kozaczka
We discuss Twin Peaks episode 9 (S2 Ep2) with John Thorne. John Thorne: @thornewipThe Blue Rose Magazine: HERE Unseen PlayersRob King as the Narrator and Hank Jennings @RobEdKing Aidan Hailes as Agent Cooper @aidanhailes @TheBicksPod Lindsay Stamhuis as Nancy and Norma Jennings @linzstam Twin_Petes as Sheriff Harry Truman Peter Hallin as Albert Rosenfield and Leland J.C. Hotchkiss as Audrey Horne and Maddy Ferguson@JHotch726@BookhouseBabes Andy Bentley as Pete Martell @abuddah Get Your Copy of Twin Peaks Unwrapped book: HERE Tee Public Merch Table: HEREYouTube Channel: HEREFacebook: HERETwitter: @twinpeaksunwrape-mail: [email protected] "I Remember" Sung by Julee Cruise