The Penguin Episode 7 Review
TV Podcast Industries - En podkast av Chris Jones, Derek O'Neill and John Harrison. TV Podcast Industries

Put on your top hat, tie up your white tie, brush off your tails and join Derek and John as we chat all about The Penguin Episode 7 "Top Hat" in spoiler filled detail.The Penguin Episode 7 “Top Hat” SynopsisBased on characters created by Bill Finger and Bob Kane for Detective Comics.Spinning out of Matt Reeves The Batman under showrunner Lauren LeFrancEpisode Written by: Vladimir CvetkoEpisode Directed By: Kevin BrayWhen he was a boy, Oz Cobb was resentful of the attention that his mother gave to his brothers, Jack and Benny. He wanted all of her focus to himself. After they play a joke on him during a game of flashlight hide and seek, Oz leaves his brothers trapped inside an overflowing sewer tunnel where they drown.In the present, Oz returns to his apartment and finds an injured Victor, who reveals that Sofia Gigante has kidnapped his mother Francis.Oz sends Vic to find an army for him right before Salvatore Maroni arrives with his men; Maroni beats Oz and makes Oz take him to his underground lair, where he intends to seize Oz’s base of operations, but Oz and his men stage an ambush, and Maroni dies of a heart attack while fighting Oz.Meanwhile, Sofia has Dr Rush interrogate Francis Cobb about Oz's weaknesses. While Sofia goes to visit the last surviving member of the Falcone family Gia Vitti. The young orphaned girl intends to cooperate with the police.Disillusioned after seeing the pain she has caused Gia, Sofia considers accepting Oz's ultimatum to trade Francis for his Bliss supply, but Rush convinces her to go through with her desire to see Oz suffer.During the trade, Sofia sends in a bomb, instead of his mother, that destroys Oz's base and kills his entire crew. Oz survives and resurfaces, only to be knocked out by GCPD Detective William Kenzie to be brought to Sofia Gigante at the Monroe Metropol where she is holding Frances hostage.The Iceberg Lounge QuizDuring each podcast we'll ask a question about each episode in our Penguin Iceberg Lounge Quiz. You can send in your answers each week to [email protected] At the end of the eight episode series the Gothamite with the most correct answers will be in with the chance of getting their hands on some Penguin goodies. All questions will be updated on: https://www.tvpodcastindustries.comQuestion 7: What movie did Oz say his brothers, Jackie and Ben, were going to see?Join us on TV Podcast IndustriesIf you want to keep up with us and all of our podcasts, please subscribe over at Where we continue to podcast about multiple TV shows we hope you'll love including Marvel's Agatha All Along and Prime Video's Rings of Power.Next time on The Penguin PodcastThe final episode will be released on the 10th of November and we'll chat all about The Penguin Episode 8 "Great or Little Thing" on our next podcast.Until then, Keep Watching, Keep Listening and stay safe.Derek and JohnTV Podcast IndustriesAll images and audio clips are copyright of Max, Sky, Warner Horizon Scripted Television and their respective copyright owners.