Star Trek Picard Finale. Episode 10 "Et In Arcadia Ego Part 2" from TV Podcast Industries

TV Podcast Industries - En podkast av Chris Jones, Derek O'Neill and John Harrison. TV Podcast Industries


It's finale time as we chat about Star Trek Picard Episode 10. Et In Arcardia Ego Part 2 concludes the first season of this journey for Jean-Luc Picard and his new crew.

Star Trek Picard Episode 10 Podcast Synopsis

Teleplay by: Michael Chabon

Story by: Michael Chabon & Akiva Goldsman

Episode Directed By: Akiva Goldsman

A final confrontation on the synthetics’ homeworld, Coppelius, pits Picard and his team against the Romulans, as well as the synths who seek to safeguard their existence at all costs.

How We Discuss Star Trek Picard.

Each of your hosts chose a BIG moment, their Medium sized moment and a small moment for the episode under the headings of The Prime Directive, The Omega Directive and their Number 1 moment.

Do you want more Picard?

If you fancy a little more Picard in your life we highly recommend the new novel by Una McCormack. It tells a new story set around the time of the Romulan supernova. Also the official behind the scenes book for Star Trek Picard season one will be out at the end of April.

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Star Trek Picard Pub Quiz ALL Questions

* What common piece of jewelry is featured in the episode? And what does it represent? (2 points)* How many days has the Romulan reclamation site gone without an assimilation? (1 point)* What year is the Chateau Picard Vintage drank by Raffi and Picard as they dredge up the past? (1 point)* What book did Picard give to Elnor on his trip to Vashti 14 years previously? (1 point)* What are the number of domes on Planet Vergessen? How many are in the conclave? What is the number of umbrellas in Rios Temtibi Lagoon Cocktail? How many feathers are in Rios’ Hat? (4 points)* How many pieces make up each side of Narek’s Romulan Rubix Cube…of death? (1 point)* What three ingredients were on the pizza that Will Riker cooked on Nepenthe? (1 point)* How many Holograms meet with Rafi? What are their functions? and what are the names of the three we know? (3 points)* How many Romulan ships are heading to Coppelius to destroy the Synth world? And how many giant bogey flowers do the Synths send up to intercept La Sirena, the Borg cube and Narek’s Snakehead? (2 points)* What does Dr Jerati call the device that Rios used to fix La Serana and Picard used to pull off the updated “Picard Maneuver”? (1 point)

Send in your answer to each of the questions to [email protected]

The person who answers the most questions correctly throughout the series will win some Star Trek related goodies on the final podcast after Episode 10.