Pennyworth Podcast Episode 7 "Julie Christie" review by TV Podcast Industries

TV Podcast Industries - En podkast av Chris Jones, Derek O'Neill and John Harrison. TV Podcast Industries


We get a bit more of an explanation of the satanists and the Raven society for the Pennyworth Podcast Episode 7 about "Julie Christie". Thomas reveals the monster inside and Alfred tracks down his quarry. We still have many fun questions.
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Pennyworth Episode 7 Synopsis

Episode Written by: Seth Sinclair

Episode Directed By: Clare Kilner

While Lord Harwood and Peggy Sykes reconnect with the Raven Society and its interim leader Frances Gaunt, Harwood promises her that a revolution is coming to England as he waits to reveal himself.

Also lurking in the shadows is the satanist Alistar Crowley who is confronted by Martha Kane and Thomas Wayne as they try to find Patricia and seek answers to Martha’s party night and missing days!

While Patricia is safe, Crowley wants Wayne’s soul for his master but while Thomas finds everything far-fetched he will do anything for the return of Patricia and wants to meet Crowley’s master. But after Thomas releases his inner demons on Jason Ripper and meeting the inner devil in a pale lamp-lit cellar they are free to leave!

Meanwhile, Alfred and the lads track down the identity of a wanted killer and an unexpected team up is on the cards for Alfred after Captain Curzon manages to give him and Bet Sykes the slip!.

Our Top 5 Questions on This Episode

The TV show Pennyworth is a mysterious show, so each week we will discuss the big questions which lets us talk about the big moments of the episode. Let us know what your big questions from the episode are.

* Where was Patricia? * Does Martha know a lot about the Wayne’s?* Does the Devil exist? * How will Harwood reveal himself? * Where was Curzon going all dolled up?

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If you want to keep up with us and all of our podcasts, please subscribe to the podcast over at Where we will continue to podcast about multiple TV shows we hope you'll love. If you want to just follow Pennyworth each week search for "Pennyworth Podcast" and subscribe to just these episodes.

Next time on the Pennyworth Podcast

Thanks again for joining us for the Pennyworth Podcast Episode 7 chat. We'll be back to our regular schedule next Monday with our review of Pennyworth Season 1 Episode 8 "Seth Sinclair" which airs on Sunday the 15th of September.

Derek and John

TV Podcast Industries

Date Recorded: 02/09/2019Date Published: 08/09/2019MP3, 68.40 min. 112kbps,55.2 MB

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