Jessica Jones 313 Review "AKA Everything" by Defenders TV Podcast
TV Podcast Industries - En podkast av Chris Jones, Derek O'Neill and John Harrison. TV Podcast Industries
The time is here. We finish our four year coverage of Marvel's Netflix show with our Jessica Jones 313 Finale Review of "A.K.A. Everything". It's been a long road but the final Defender goes out on a high and we chat all about it in our spoiler-filled discussion
Jessica Jones makes a big decision as we get to the finale of the Marvel Netflix shows.
Listen to our Jessica Jones Finale Review on Spotify
Jessica Jones Finale Review of 313 "A.K.A. Everything" Spoiler Filled Synopsis
Story by: Melissa Rosenberg and Nancy Won
Screenplay by: Melissa Rosenberg with Lisa Randolph
Directed By: Neasa Hardiman
As Jessica Jones returns from the courthouse to her apartment an old friend, Luke Cage, in his new threads visits and gives her some sage advice. Knowing what she must do Jessica sets out to track down her sister and friend, Trish Walker.
Trish is trying to prove her heroic abilities with an attack on Dimitri Patseras, at the direction of Jeri Hogarth. However following this attack Trish flees back to Jeri’s apartment on her suggestion. But the trap laid by Jeri and Jessica backfires when Kith unexpectedly turns up and is held hostage by the Hellcat.
With Kith in a choke hold a love struck Jeri pulls a gun and in the standoff offers to help Trish escape from the USA. Shooting Jessica in the leg they make their getaway. Shortly after, Jessica leaks Trish's true identity as the masked vigilante and finds Trish attempting to leave the country. As they battle, Trish pulls a knife stabbing her sister as Jessica learns the true cost of being a hero and in custody Trish learns what it means to be the bad guy!
In the aftermath, Kith destroys any hope of Jeri’s that they could become a couple. As the Hellcat is sent off to the Raft, Jessica gives Malcolm the keys to Alias Investigations, sets up Erik and Costa as a crime fighting duo as she intends to leave New York. But while buying her ticket to El Paso a dark familiar voice from Jessica’s past begins to whisper to her to “...give up everything.” to “ Give in”. In true Jessica fashion she fights those negative purple thoughts and decides to remain in New York.
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