Gotham 507 "Ace Chemicals" Review
TV Podcast Industries - En podkast av Chris Jones, Derek O'Neill and John Harrison. TV Podcast Industries

This was the big event after years of teasing Gotham takes it back to the beginning and into the future with the creation of the joker we chat all about it in our Gotham 507 Review of "Ace Chemicals". This is a spoiler filled discussion so as always make sure you've watched the episode before listening to the podcast.
Jeremiah Valeska (Cameron Monaghan) plays the part of one of Bruce's heroes
as Leslie Thompkins (Morena Baccarin) and Jim Gordon (Ben McKenzie) are all tied up
Gotham 507 Review "Ace Chemicals" Synopsis
Directed by: John Stephens
Written by: Tze Chun
Jim Gordon (Ben McKenzie) races with Leslie Thompkins (Morena Baccarin) to the Narrows to investigate and uncover the criminal elements responsible for the deaths of members of the Chessmen gang. The grizzly murder and use of chemicals also threaten to end talks with the military that promise Gotham's reunification with the mainland.
Meanwhile, ignoring Jim's warning, Bruce Wayne (David Mazouz) searches for Alfred Pennyworth (Sean Pertwee) who has been missing for five days. As he searches Gotham he is pulled along a new path as he spots, then follows, a couple that resemble his dead parents. Entering a tunnel Bruce is lead to Wayne Manor, where a very much alive Jeremiah Valeska (Cameron Monaghan) sets in motion his twisted recreation of the murder of Bruce's parents with the help of Jervis Tetch (Benedict Samuel). As Jeremiah unleashes his final spin he prepares to insert himself into Bruce’s history by murdering Jim and Leslie. At the last minute Selina comes to the rescue.
As Jeremiah flees he uses Ecco (Francesca Root-Dodson) to set off his poisonous chemicals on Gotham but while it is foiled by Jim the toxins pollute the water from the city to the mainland. Pursued by Bruce, Jeremiah enters ACE Chemicals where he battles Bruce, but as they fight he falls into one of the chemical vats, leaving him severely disfigured.
Meanwhile, as the military decide against reunification Oswald Cobblepot (Robin Lord Taylor), Ed Nygma (Cory Michael Smith), and Barbara Kean (