Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme of The Galaxy Part 4 Review

TV Podcast Industries - En podkast av Chris Jones, Derek O'Neill and John Harrison. TV Podcast Industries


We close out our comic book reviews as we catch up with our Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme of The Galaxy Part 4 Review. We discuss our Top 5 "incantations" about this issue by Mark Waid and Jesús Saiz.  Make sure you read the first four issues of Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme of the Galaxy, Doctor Strange issues 391, 392 and 393, 394 before listening to this spoiler filled discussion.

Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme of The Galaxy Part 4 Review Podcast Spoiler filled Synopsis

This series is Written by Mark Waid with Artwork and cover by Jesús Saiz

Issue synopsis from Mark Waid's intro to the book.

Stephen and his new friend Kanna, an arcanologist, continued their cosmic jaunt, acquiring and trading mystic artifacts while rebuilding Dr. Strange's skills and confidence. Though Kanna believed she was doing the doctor a favor by introducing him to a Skrull sorcerer acquaintance, Strange's mistrust of Skrulls provided well-founded, as the alien magician was handing over the time Infinity Stone to the Super-Skrull! Stephen risked his and Kanna's lives to intercept it, then cast a spell so she would forget the stone was in their possession. So their adventure goes on, with Kanna unaware that Stephen's arrogance has already come between them once.

Other comics referenced in this issue

You can find all of these issues on just follow the images below:

Read the story of the Majesdane in Volume 3 Issue 2 of Runaways


Read more about the first Sorcerer Supreme, Agamatto, in Marvel Legacy #1

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Thanks so much for listening to our Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme of The Galaxy Part 4 Review we love to hear from listeners about your thoughts on Doctor Strange and our Stranger Tales discussion podcasts so please send yours to [email protected] join us on facebook at or follow us on Twitter @defenderscast and you can now record your thoughts for the podcast directly from our website by clicking the “Send Voicemail” button.

We'll be back again next month with our review of the next issue Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme of The Galaxy Part 5. In the meantime we'll be beginning our reviews of Iron Fist Season 2 with our review of episode 1 "The Fury of Iron Fist" which will be available on the 7th of September to coincide with the release of Iron Fist Season 2 on Netflix.

Thanks for listening

John, Chris and Derek

Defenders TV Podcast

Date recorded: 26/08/2018

Date published: 28/08/2018