Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme of The Galaxy Part 3 Review

TV Podcast Industries - En podkast av Chris Jones, Derek O'Neill and John Harrison. TV Podcast Industries


We're catching up with an Infinity Wars tie in with our Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme of The Galaxy Part 3 Review. We discuss our Top 5 incantations about this issue by Mark Waid and Jesús Saiz.  Make sure you read the first three issues of Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme of the Galaxy, Doctor Strange issues 391, 392 and 393 before listening to this spoiler filled discussion.

Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme of The Galaxy Part 3 Review Podcast Spoiler filled Synopsis

This series is Written by Mark Waid with Artwork and cover by Jesús Saiz

Issue synopsis from Mark Waid's intro to the book.

With the assistance of interplanetary arcanologist Kanna, Doctor Strange broke out of prison on planet Grynda. She was wary of him. To her, spells and arcane artifacts were primarily objects of intellectual inquiry (or fodder for trade), buy Strange proved his worth when he executed the planet-enveloping spell that assured their escape. The successful casting also buoyed Strange's spirits. This plan to leave earth to revive his connection to magic could really work. The Sorcerer Supreme and the alien arcanologist agreed to go adventuring together...

Other comics referenced in this issue

You can find all of these issues on just follow the images below:

The Super Skrull, Kl’rt, first appeared back in Fantastic Four issue #18

The first appearance of the spell "the flames of Faltine" was in Strange Tales #155 from 1966

The Skrull empire relocated to the planet Tarnak II in the sixth issue of the Marvel "Inifinity" event.

The Super Skrull picked up the Time Stone on the reformed planet of Sakaar in issue #713 of The Incredible Hulk earlier this year.

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Thanks so much for listening to our Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme of The Galaxy Part 3 Review we love to hear from listeners about your thoughts on Doctor Strange and our Stranger Tales discussion podcasts so please send yours to [email protected] join us on facebook at or follow us on Twitter @defenderscast and you can now record your thoughts for the podcast directly from our website by clicking the “Send Voicemail” button.

We'll be back again next time with our review of the next issue Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme of The Galaxy Part 4.

Thanks for listening

John, Chris and Derek

Defenders TV Podcast

Date recorded: 22/08/2018

Date published: 24/08/2018

MP3, 30.23mins, 96kbps, 21.1 MB

All images and audio clips are copyright of Marvel and their copyright holders no infringement is intended. The music for this episode "Magic Hour" by