Bridgerton S1 E8 & "Let's Talk About A Year in the Life" (Special Guest Sana Burney)

TV GAYD - En podkast av Benny Higgins and Suzanne Hansch


TV GAYD CLUB! WHAT IS UP?!?! What you Watching This Week?!

Suzanne and I are watching....

Bridgerton S1 E8

0:00 - 0:32:16

It's the end of season one for us with Bridgerton and WOW what a last 2 minutes of a show. Let's talk about it. DID YOU CALL WHO LADY WHISTLETOWN WAS GONNA BE?! Tune in!


Meet Sana 

- 0:33:30 - 0:40:00

"Let's Talk About A Year in the Life"

- 0:40:00 - End

Everyone we talked about the 2016 revival of Gilmore Girls, "A Year in the Life" including Rory's affair, Paris Geller EVERYTHING, "wild" and so much more.

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Special Thanks for our theme song music! "Music: Funny Quirky Comedy by, Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License"

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