I Talk To Dwayne Epstein About His Book Killin' Generals:The Making Of The Dirty Dozen..We Talk Loads of Behind The Scenes Info..
True Stories Of Tinseltown - En podkast av Grace Collins

I talk to Dwayne Epstein about his book Killin' Generals..It's all great info on al, things behind the scenes. We talk about the actors like Lee Marvin, Charles Bronson, Jim Brown and the whole gang, and so much more.. Thanks so much to Dwayne for coming on the show and mostly to all of you that listen. You are the best!! Grace xo You can get the book anywhere books are sold. Dwaynes amazon authors page https://www.amazon.com/s?k=Dwayne+Epstein&i=stripbooks&crid=1LQDX2NU384PB&sprefix=dwayne+epstein%2Cstripbooks%2C87&ref=nb_sb_noss_1 You can Contact me at [email protected] you can listen to podcast www.truestoriesoftinseltown.com https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/true-stories-of-tinseltown/id136374488 https://open.spotify.com/show/6iTSF8pIrVTbZ8QqNidVUy? You can also listen on google play, YouTube, Amazon, I heart radio and anywhere podcasts are played. You can also IM me on my TSOTT Facebook page. I sometimes don't go on for a while, but will try be better at checking messages and posting. Best to email me.. www.facebook.com/truestoriesoftinseltown