I talk to author Robert Matzen about his book Mission: Jimmy Stewart And The Fight For Europe. We talk his love of A List actresses too..

True Stories Of Tinseltown - En podkast av Grace Collins


Three times a charm with my guest Robert Matzen as we talk about his book Mission:Jimmy Stewart And The Fight To Save Europe.  We learn all about James time as a pilot in World War 2 and the horror he experienced. His PTSD, his outlook on life and Hollywood after the war. We also talk about Jimmy's love of A List actresses, who he almost married, his affair with Marlene Dietrich resulting in pregnancy than an abortion.  Jimmy was known as quite the ladies man...WHO KNEW??  Not me.. I want to thank Robert for being my guest again. This was his third visit and he's just great.  Mostly I want to thank my listeners. You all are the best. xoxo  Grace Roberts books https://www.amazon.com/Robert-Matzen/e/B001HD2ZAC?ref=sr_ntt_srch_lnk_2&qid=1598198689&sr=8-2 Check out my Facebook page. I add new stuff constantly. Its a great group of people.  www.facebook.com/truestoriesoftinseltown you can listen to podcast  www.truestoriesoftinseltown.com https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/true-stories-of-tinseltown/id136374488 https://open.spotify.com/show/6iTSF8pIrVTbZ8QqNidVUy?si=zn73ahjEQKOzrMtc-8VRhg   I'm on google play, spotify, YouTube, player FM, I heart radio, amazon and basically anywhere podcasts are played. I'm also on weekly at www.racketeerradio.com. Lots of great music and shows.  I'm also on Pinterest, Tumblr, twitter and instagram.  

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