I Talk To Author Lara Gabrielle About Her Book Captain Of Her Soul:The Life Of Marion Davies..Was Citizen Kanes Susan Alexander Based On Marion??
True Stories Of Tinseltown - En podkast av Grace Collins

Lara's book on Marion is very good, and meticulously researched. Marion has always fascinated me. We talk Citizen Kane, William Randolph Hearst, his boring parties, Marion's relationship with Charlie Chaplin, rumors of Marion's niece really being Marion and W.R.H. lovechild, and so much more. Enjoy my first show of 2023..YIKES!! Much Thanks to Lara for coming on the show. You can get Lara's book anywhere books are sold. https://www.amazon.com/Captain-Her-Soul-Marion-Davies/dp/0520384202/ref=sr_1_1?crid=RK74M5F3S1DO&keywords=Lara+Gabrielle&qid=1673101842&s=books&sprefix=lara+gabrielle%2Cstripbooks%2C99&sr=1-1 I wish everyone a belated Happy new Year!! I hope it's a great one for all. Love you all, Grace Check out my pinterest True Stories Of Tinseltown (how did I ever come up with that name?) Lot's of great pics, many with wonderful articles. I'm going to FINALLY be posting to my instagram. You can Contact me at [email protected] you can listen to podcast www.truestoriesoftinseltown.com https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/true-stories-of-tinseltown/id136374488 https://open.spotify.com/show/6iTSF8pIrVTbZ8QqNidVUy? You can also listen on google play, YouTube, Amazon, I heart radio and anywhere podcasts are played. You can also IM me on my TSOTT Facebook page. I sometimes don't go on for a while, but will try be better at checking messages and posting. Best to email me.. www.facebook.com/truestoriesoftinseltown