I talk to author and jewelry designer Alexis Hunter about her book Joi Lansing A Body To Die For..A Love Story..
True Stories Of Tinseltown - En podkast av Grace Collins
I talk to my friend Alexis Hunter about her book Joi Lansing..A Body To Die For..A Love Story. Its the story of Alex's love of her life who she met when she was 22. Joi was a sex symbol, a glamour puss deluxe, singer and comedic actress. Joy was in her early forties and the time was 1970's. Blonde bombshells were out and the groovy look was in. Alex takes us through their friendship that turned into love. Joi's battle with cancer and a warning to beware what you have put into your body. In Joi's case silicone injected directly into her breasts. Read, read ,read about anything you may be thinking about using. The book is touching, funny at times, and of course sad. Its a very good read. Alex is now designing jewelry. https://www.etsy.com/shop/Alexishunterjewels?ref=simple-shop-header-name&listing_id=894514684 They are beautiful. I got some myself for gifts for friends. https://www.amazon.com/Joi-Lansing-Body-Alexis-Hunter-ebook/dp/B014LCWPAK/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1Y2HMIDWL32X2&dchild=1&keywords=joi+lansing...a+body+to+die+for&qid=1605970797&sprefix=Joi+Lansing%2Caps%2C152&sr=8-1 Thank you so much for Alex coming on the show. Mostly thanks to my listeners. Love you all, Grace Check out my Facebook page. I add new stuff constantly. I also have a group www.facebook.com/truestoriesoftinseltown/group www.facebook.com/truestoriesoftinseltown you can listen to podcast www.truestoriesoftinseltown.com https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/true-stories-of-tinseltown/id136374488 https://open.spotify.com/show/6iTSF8pIrVTbZ8QqNidVUy?si=zn73ahjEQKOzrMtc-8VRhg You can also listen on google play, spotify, YouTube, player FM, I heart radio, amazon music and basically anywhere podcasts are played. I'm also on weekly at www.racketeerradio.com. Lots of great music and shows. I'm also on Pinterest, Tumblr, twitter and instagram. Stay safe and healthy everybody..