The Volume of Ezekiel – Part 1

Torah to the Tribes - En podkast av Matthew Nolan - Søndager

THE BOOK OF EZEKIEL IS NOT MILLENNIAL Timeline: Mishkan -1200BCE – Solomon temple 960BCE – Assyrian captivity 733 BCE – Babylonian Captivity 597 BCE – Jeconiah reigned three months and ten days, from December 9, 598 to March 15/16, 597 BC when he was taken into captivity! Remember 10 Israel along with their princes were already dispersed some 136 years prior to Ezekiel, some in the area just N to where the prophet Ezekiel was held captive. Zerubabels temple – In 538 BC, Zerubbabel, the leader of the tribe of Judah, was part of the first wave of Jewish captives to return to Jerusalem (Ezra 1:1–2). The Persian king appointed Zerubbabel as governor of Judah (Haggai 1:1), and right away Zerubbabel began rebuilding the temple with the help of Joshua, the high priest (Ezra 3:2–3, 8). The first temple, built by King Solomon, had been destroyed by the Babylonians in 587 BC (2 Kings 25:8–10). “There’s nothing new under the sun.” Prior to the invention of the State of Israel in 1948 it wasn’t uncommon for those committed to the study of the word to become aware to the dating mechanism apparent within the “book” of Ezekiel in the 17- 19th century especially. But today with the birth of the State of Israel, Christian Zionism and Messianic believers alike frame their eschatological world view through the lens of the ‘last’ nine chapters of the book of Ezekiel. The new temple, the reinstitution of animal sacrifices and the Aaronic priesthood The problem is that in fact S.a.tan through his false prophet plans to make the Antonia Fortress platform the center of world government and of universal worship and he’s using peoples twisted Levitical view of Ezekiel to attain that very goal. All the while leading masses of well meaning believers to their peril as they’ll climb the steps back to the days of constant ritual bloodletting for an insatiable Levitical altar system funded by the illuminati and funneled through Haim Richman and the Temple Institute. I however, like many of the tzadik’s before me (T.H.Whitehouse) believe the ‘book’ of Ezekiel not to be a ‘book’ at all, but a collection of 13 dated scrolls each containing a vision given to the prophet over a period of 25 years whilst he was in the Babylonian Exile (597BCE). These 13 scrolls, would have been rolled up one of two ways and placed into a stone jar depository. 1. In the case Jer. 32:10, “and I signed the deed and sealed it, took witnesses, and weighed the money on the scales. 11 So I took the purchase deed, both that which was sealed according to the law and custom, and that which was open….. the scroll would be hole punched in the middle, the lower half contains the deed – is rolled tied and sealed with 7 seals – reflecting the year of release/Schemata or date of writing. The top half would have an abridged description of the deed left open for reference with a scribal date tab often attached by the jar merchant. 2. In the case of Revelation 5. The deed is written on one side rolled and sealed with 7 seals and then an abridged description is written on the outside for reference. Now, due to a careless handlers breaking the date seals upon there discovery and compiling the text into one scroll we have the ‘book’ of Ezekiel as we find it today. Compounded with that, the rabbis advocated the withdrawal of the book from circulation and prohibited the reading of the beginning and end of the book by anyone under the age of thirty. Needless to say it was a book that was overlooked and understudied for many centuries and by the time it became more widely accepted it’s format had already been established thus not questioned. Ezekiel’s visions were to the House of Israel that had been scattered abroad (721 BCE) during the Assyrian Captivity. Many of Israel’s princes were scattered in the province of Ecbatana in Media just a short journey from where Ezekiel was exiled in NE Babylonia. He visited them (Ch. 2 & 3) and was visited by them (Ch. 14 & 20). * All dates in the text EXCEPT

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