The Hebraic Epistle of First John – Intro

Torah to the Tribes - En podkast av Matthew Nolan - Søndager

The Yochanite communique/Johannine Epistles! About six hundred manuscripts, in part or as a whole, including two papyri found within the great Codices from the Fourth and Fifth Centuries C.E (Sinaiticus, Vaticanus, Alexandrinus, Ephraemi Rescriptus) With very little text-critical problems – variants in only some thirty-nine junctures. Interestingly they are missing from Codex Bezae because the sixty-seven sheets went missing after the Council of Nicea! Reformulation: Yochanan Alef addresses the schismatics concerning the Christological reformulation of monotheism. The Hebrew Roots and Christian community have no problem with this reformulation – because it’s true…….(singular monotheism Vs. plural- echad-monothiesm.) We’re finding that Pseudo Jew’s and Pseudo Levites are clearly the adversaries of the gospel of Malki-Tzedik. Yochannan admonishes us today: First John chapter 2:28 And now, little children, stay in Him, so that when He appears, we may have confidence and not being sent from His presence in shame. 29 If you know that He is Malki- tzadik, you know that everyone who practices this tzedakah is born of Him. A Perverted/Disingenuous form of the Melchizedik is being taught by a few, “They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would have continued with us; but they went out that they might be made manifest.” Eight points of authentication of the true Melchizedek Covenant that will expose the Charlatans that are trying to ride on the wave of this message and gain disciples for themselves through high brow Hebrew language rhymes and reasoning. The BoC and the BoL are not Synonymous – Deuteronomy 31:26 There has been a change of law Torah – Hebrews 7:12, 7:18, Genesis 49:10 The rightly dividing point of that law is Exodus 24:11 – We keep the Covenant Torah from Genesis 1:1 – Ex 24:11 NOT the maintenancing, added, imposed, BoL of carnal commandments that is against us. The Book of Ezekiel isn’t Millennial but a collection of 13 date stamped scrolls. Jeremiah 33:17 speaks to the Kingship and Levitical conditional covenant promise outlined in (1 King 9:5, Jeremiah 22:30) which they broke! There is an order of Melchizedek Priests today on earth. Hebrews 8:4 – you can’t isolate this verse from the 7 proceeding chapters in Hebrews to make a Levitical point. The Temple that The Temple Institute and the pseudo-Jew’s have planned will be ‘the abomination’ – יהוה has chosen His temple and it’s His Kingdom of Melchi-zedik priests. Hebrews 9:10. You cannot add to an already blood ratified covenant (Exodus 24:7, Galatians 3:15). Yochanan Aleph (1st john) is the longest of the communique with 2137 words, while Yochanan Bet(2nd John) 245 words and Yochanan Gimel (3rd John) 219 – making them the two shortest manuscripts in the Brit Hadasha (New Testament) that would of fit on one single sheet of papyrus. Theme: set during a time of dispute between believers involving theological and behavioral concerns which include the person of Messiah, the composition of Messiah, the role of the Ruach in the community, believers relation to perfection, atonement and Christology. Theme today: set during a time of dispute between believers involving the Priesthood of Messiah, the composition of the Priesthood, the role of the Book of the Covenant and the Book of the Law in the community, and believers relation to the temple, sacrifice and Synagogue of Satan. Timing: There’s a very close relationship to the three letters of Yochanan and the Fourth Gospel – Yochanan. Setting: sometime after the writing of the Fourth Gospel troubles started to brew within the Nassene Community of believers in Yahusha. ‘The secessionists.’ Historical situation – 4 things: Yochanan speaks of those who, ‘have gone out into the world’ and ‘do not acknowledge that Yahusha as coming in the flesh.’ He labels these false teachers as Moshiach-Neged’s. He places utmost importance on the love command – which was received at the beginning along w

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