The Hebraic Epistle of First John – Chapter 4
Torah to the Tribes - En podkast av Matthew Nolan - Søndager

First John 4:1 Beloved Yisrael, do not believe every ruach, but test all the ruachim, whether they are of vuvh; because many false neviim have gone out into the olam hazeh. Testing the Spirits. See what Spirit a person manifests in a confession. We’ve been doing a lot of that lately and discovered the fake Jews – The Synagogue of Satan, Karaites, and a counterfeit Melchizedek message being taught – all from testing the Spirits – against the Word of יהוה and the falsehood espoused. Leading YHWH’s people to a geographic destination of destruction. יהוה will send a lying spirit to those who’ve joined with the congregation of the wicked, which is another way of saying the Synagogue of Satan to lead the undiscerning masses to their end if it’s part of His will to reveal the falling away and the revelation of the man of sin, the son of perdition – a modern day Ahab – 2 Thess 2. and 1 Ki. 22:20 And vuvh said, Who shall persuade Achav, that he may go up and fall at Ramot-Gilad? And one said one thing, and another said another thing. 21 And there came forward a ruach, and stood before vuvh, and said, I will entice him. 22 And vuvh said to him, In what way? And he said, I will go out, and I will be a lying ruach in the mouth of all his neviim. And He said, You shall persuade him, and prevail also: go out, and do so. 23 Now therefore, see, vuvh has put a lying ruach in the mouth of all these your neviim, but vuvh has spoken evil concerning you. To do that, like our author we have to remain faithful to the message we heard from the beginning – Beresheeth – Gen 12. Gen. 15 – the Covenants of Promise. Not the message we heard after the Golden Calf, but from Beresheeth. The most consequential message in Beresheeth is the covenant that יהוה made with Abraham, that’ why it’s thread is spun throughout the body of Scripture – Tanakh and Brit. As our audience exercised discernment when they came into contact with the secessionists, we need to exercise discernment when we come into contact with the Pseudo-Jews promoting their Temple agenda and Pseudo-Malki-Zedik teachers teaching something new, not from the beginning – Beresheeth – there was no BoL in Beresheeth – only Malki-zedik covenant – blood ratified 430 years later in Ex. 24. First John 4:2 By this shall you know the Ruach of vuvh: Every ruach that confesses that gauvh ha Moshiach has come in the flesh is from vuvh, 3 And every ruach that does not confess that gauvh ha Moshiach has come in the flesh is not from vuvh. As we provided tests with the teaching Synagogue of Satan and intro to Yoc Alef, so did the early believing community provide tests: Didache 11:7 You will not attempt to interpret what a nevi is saying in the ruach, for every sin will be forgiven, but this sin will not be forgiven. Not everyone who speaks in the ruach is a nevi, but only if he is on the Master’s roads. From his roads, the sheqer (false) and the nevi will be recognized.[4] And no nevi, when he orders a table in the ruach, will eat from it; if it so happen, he is a sheqer—nevi. Then: Every ruach that confesses that Yahusha ha Moshiach has come in the flesh is from vuvh. Now: Every ruach that confesses that Yahusha ha Moshiach has come as HP in the flesh and has ordained an order of priesthood in the flesh here on earth is from vuvh. They have seceded from us and gone out into the world, then as Doecits, today as Messianic Pseudo Jews-Zionists, working together with the government and the NWO – they had and have an affinity with the unbelieving world. V.3 variant reading: ‘every ruach that looses (separates of divides) Yahusha is not from ’.יהוה Meaning, don’t try and divide up Yahusha’s priesthood with a Levitical one as if there is a need for a divided priesthood like in the days of Kingdom rebellion under David. No, we have an indivisible Yahusha, a indivisible priesthood with an indivisible covenant – not a synonymous law and covenant espoused by those who departed from the way. Phantasmal kind of doecetism: