The Book of the Law – Part 2
Torah to the Tribes - En podkast av Matthew Nolan - Søndager

The principle of châbar/חבר- dove tailing-#2266 to join, to couple (together), have fellowship with. 10 principle applications of châbar/חבר (continued…) Divorce: Mark 10:5 from the beginning (the Book of the Covenant) this wasn’t so, It was given post Golden Calf breach; because of the hardness of your heart. Then Yahusha points us back to the Book of the Covenant perfection: therefore Elohim hath joined together, let not man put asunder. Short answer No. Long answer, if you choose to live outside the covenant with יהוה and live under the BoL with its blessings and cursing’s opting to be out of covenant with your spouse, giving yourself over to a hard heart – then Yes! In your hardness of heart you may think divorcing your spouse is a blessing, but you’ll find yourself cursed, Just ask your children. The Sabbath: Genesis 2:3 Exodus 20:8 expanded on throughout the BoL The Feasts: Exodus 23 the three Ascension Feasts – expanded at Leviticus 23 Diet: Genesis 1,6 & 9 – expanded at Leviticus 11. Genesis 1:29 Yahweh told Adam and Eve at the beginning of creation, “Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of the earth, and every tree, in which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat [food].” Later, in the Book of the Covenant (BoC) part of Torah YHWH stipulates that the green plant is given for food (Genesis 9:3). Yahweh limited edible plants to those that are green and propagate by seeds. Genesis 9:3 “Everything that lives and moves will be food for you. Just as I gave you the green plants, I now give you everything.” “Everything” is defined by the change from a plant-only diet to a new diet consisting of plants *and* animals — that is, “everything.” But that doesn’t mean one could eat *every* animal anymore than one could eat *every* plant. “….I have given every green herb for food, and it was so.” Genesis 1:30 “Every green herb” above doesn’t mean “every-single existing green herb.” It means “every green herb that is appropriate for food.” Genesis 6:21: “And take thou unto thee of all food that is eaten, and gather it to thee; and it shall be for food for thee, and for them.’” Noah is commanded to take all the edible foods into the ark. So then, not ‘every green herb’ was edible, only ‘every green herb given for food’ was edible. The so called ‘Seven Noahide laws’ from Gen. are expanded in Exodus 19-24 and later expanded again and put under a Levitical administration including administrative sacrifices (non binding sacrifices). Do not worship idols or other gods. Do not blaspheme YHWH’s name. Do not murder. Do not commit sexual immorality. Do not steal. Do not eat things while they are still alive (i.e., meat with blood). Establish courts of justice (Exodus 21-24). The apostles taught the additional BoC laws, believers in Yeshua should also keep the commandments of proper worship (the Feast of YHWH) going to the synagogue on Shabbat to listen to Moshe Rabainu (Shabbat keeping) prohibiting the ingesting blood, improperly slaughtered meat, things contaminated by contact with idolatry, and by adopting the Boc’s definitions of sexual immorality and micvah (See Acts 15). “Now how do we live?” We learn to rightly divide the torah under the Malki-tzedik ADMINISTRATION and apply the change of the law to in our lives. 2 Timothy 2:15 Study to shew thyself approved unto Elohim a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth/torah. Hebrews 7:12For the priesthood being changed, there is made of necessity a change also of the torah. Hot button commands from the Book of the Law: Beards: Shaving of Beards is a command associated with the mourning of the pagans, accompanied by cutting the body, cutting the hair and cutting the beard. So we should’t not cut ourselves nor rip or ruin our hair out of our beard and our head with violence, that’s sun-god worship. Tzitzit: Numbers 5:37 to remember all the commandments and seek not after your own hea