Romans from a Torah Covenant Perspective – Chapter 11 Part 2

Torah to the Tribes - En podkast av Matthew Nolan - Søndager

Romans 11:17 And if some of the branches were broken off, and you,being a wild olive eytz, were grafted in among them, and with them you partake of the Root and fatness of the olive eytz. The origin of grafting in the bible: Genesis 12:3 and in you shall all the families of the earth be blessed/mingled. Commentary on Genesis 12.3 by R. Eleazer: “what is the meaning of this verse in Scripture? I have two good shoots to graft onto you: Ruth of Moab and Naamah of Ammon. (b. Yevamot 63.a). Rabbi Judah (an unregenerate Rabbi commenting on Genesis 12.3) “all grafting that does not take root within three days will not take root.” Romans 11:18 Boast not against the cultivated branches. But if you boast, you better remember that you do not bear the Root, but the Root bears you. Romans 11:19 You will say then, The cultivated branches were broken off, that I might be grafted in. The Church triumphant has become indistinguishable from the nations – trodden down and soiled within the culture where it lays bare. יהוה is the master Arborist. Romans 11:20 True; because of unbelief they were broken off, and you stand by emunah. Be not arrogant, but fear: Romans 11:21 For if vuvh spared not the cultivated branches, shomer, He may not spare you either. Romans 11:22 See therefore the chesed and severity of vuvh: on those who fell, severity; but towards you, chesed, if you continue in His chesed: otherwise you also shall be cut off. Three distinct sub groups at present that are included amongst YHWH’s one people Israel – there’s only one Israel! Enlightened-regenerated Jews – a trans-racial grouping of both Regal Negro’s and the Fellahin, farmers. Dispersed Ephraim-Israel – often found mixed within the Anglo Saxon nations – the wild olive branches which have been grafted into the cultivated olive tree. Unregenerate Jews – both the Negro and the Palestinian fellahin, the natural branches which have been broken off the cultivated olive tree and trampled by Mohammed – laid waste to Islam – a bare tree – unable to produce fruit. The Ashkenazi are NOT natural branches of the olive tree as is commonly taught; but an invasive species from the Caucasian Alder (Alnus subcordata) a broken Turkic branch; and the Negro Mohammedan’s are but another invasive species; fallen branches from the Black Alder (Alnus glutinosa). All originating in the Caspian Hyrcanian forest. Note: this is an exercise in horticultural analogy and anthropology, don’t let the low minded make this into a Zio-socialist cause celebre. Romans 11:23 And they also, if they abide not still in their unbelief, shall be grafted in: for vuvh is able to graft them in again. Romans 11:24 For if you were cut out of the olive eytz which is uncultivated, and were grafted contrary to nature into a tov olive eytz: how much more shall these, who are the cultivated branches, be grafted into their own olive eytz as well? Romans 11:25 For I would not, Yisraelite brothers, that you should be ignorant of this mysterious secret, lest you should be wise in your own pride and conceit; that partial blindness/hardneing has happened to Yisrael, until the fullness of the nations–the melo hagoyim–comes in. Beware of the translators value judgement of V.25. Is it? A) ‘a partial hardening has happened to Israel.’ Or….. B) ‘hardening has come upon part of Israel.’ “Meros” “part/partial.’ Should it be approached as an adverb? (a) or a noun? (b) a) an adverbial approach is correct because it gets Paul’s point across; that he’s concerned with the whole lump, NOT just a few individuals; or crumbs here and there. The unified whole (unified by Yahusha) is partially blind; NOT that only a part is blind. Until the fullness of the nations–the melo hagoyim–comes in. Romans 11:26 And so kol Yisrael shall be saved: as it is written, There shall come out of Tzion the Deliverer, and shall turn away wickedness from Yaakov: Romans 11:27 For this is My brit with them, when I shall take away their sins. The tree budded, blossomed and

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