Romans from a Torah Covenant Perspective – Chapter 10

Torah to the Tribes - En podkast av Matthew Nolan - Søndager

The first century wide scale Jewish rejection of Yahusha causes Paul to write: Romans 10:1 Yisraelite brothers, my lev’s desire and tefillah to vuvh for Yisrael is, that they might be saved. Romans 10:2 For I bear them record that they have a zeal (zēlos, Heb. qinah as in Phinneas) for vuvh, but not according to da’at. (epignōsis – to recognize and discern/ Heb. da’at) Romans 10:3 For they being ignorant of vuvh’s tzedakah, go about to establish their own tzedakah, have not submitted themselves to the tzedakah of vuvh. Their zeal is for Elohim, it’s not some empty pagan fanaticism, but zeal for the One True Living Elohim (therein lies the deception and what sucks so many Messianic’s in). Their lack of knowledge is twofold: they lack the knowledge of how יהוה declares a person forensically righteous. they hold to a means of a righteous status as a people group that יהוה will reject. The Jews refused to humble themselves and accept YHWH’s righteousness as the undeserved gift it is. Romans 10:4 For Moshiach is the actual goal of the Torah ‘Telos’ = ‘goal’ to which a movement is being directed – the outcome, not the extinction of, the termination of. Romans 6:22 But now being made free from sin, having become avadim to vuvh, you have your fruit to set-apartness, with the end result (telos) being everlasting chayim. Teleology – a sector of philosophy that deals with goals and outcomes. For Moshiach is the actual goal of the Torah for an eternal tzadik standing to everyone that believes. Romans 10:5 For Moshe describes the tzedakah that comes from the Torah: That the man who does those things shall live by them (Leviticus 18:5) The Jews were and still are ignorant of YHWH’s covenant faithfulness through Yahusha because they were so busy, still to this day trying to establish their own righteousness, their own covenant status – they refuse to submit to YHWH’s faithfulness! In sum: a First Century Jewish misplaced status of covenant membership. They chose to quietly set aside the call to covenant (Romans 9:7 onward) instead fabricating their own covenant status for Jews and only Jews, no remnant, no Gentile admission except through proselyte conversion – a covenant status fabricated and established by their own righteousness! Romans 10:6 But the tzedakah that is of emunah speaks in this manner; Say not in your lev, Who shall ascend into the shamayim? That is, to bring the Moshiach down from above: Romans 10:7 Or, Who shall descend into the deep? That is, to bring up the Moshiach again from the dead. A drash on Deuteronomy 30:12 LXX ‘neither is it beyond the sea’ Paul uses ‘who shall defend into the deep.’ He’s harmonizing Psalms 107.26 with Deuteronomy 30:12. Psalms 107:26 They go up to the shamayim, they go down again to the depths. Psalms 107 speaks of the redeemed of יהוה being gathered up from the east, west, north and south after their dispersions in the nations. He sends His Word and heals them and His Word delivers them from captivity. It’s about recognizing the works of יהוה and rejecting the works of man which are futility and bondage, the very point Paul is making! Romans 10:8 But what does Torah actually say? The word is near you, even in your mouth, and in your lev: that is, the word of emunah, which we proclaim; Romans 10:9 That if you shall confess with your mouth the Master gauvh, and shall believe in your lev that vuvh has raised Him from the dead, you shall be saved. Romans 10:10 For with the lev man believes to tzedakah; and with the mouth confession is made to Yahshua. 11 For the Katuv says, Whoever believes on Him shall not be ashamed. Three things: 1) Confess 2) Believe 3) Saved Confess/Homologeō/nadar נדר/to take a vow. Word and deed, not repeat after me these words. Homo = one action of word and deed. Jeremiah 44:15 a vow. To confess beyond all question; not only acoustic, or mental accent. Confession; a vow. Believe/pisteuō/shama – to puts ones faith in with the implication that actions will follow. Romans 1

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