Romans from a Torah Covenant Perspective – “All about the Ruach/Spirit”

Torah to the Tribes - En podkast av Matthew Nolan - Søndager

Romans 8:16  The Spirit herself doth testify with our spirit, that we are b’nai יהוה, children of יהוה; Romans 8:17  and if children, also heirs, heirs, indeed, of Elohim, and heirs together of Messiah—if, indeed, we suffer together, that we may also be glorified together. The mystery regarding wether the Holy Spirit should be proclaimed as HE or SHE is resolved when you realize that the male Latin ‘Spiritus’ which translates the neuter Greek ‘Pneuma’ translates the Hebrew word Ruach which is always FEMALE. For those who like the Aramaic; you can go to the Peshitta, and you’ll  find the Ruach ha Kodesh/the Holy Spirit – translated as a female Being – a “She”. Here at Romans 8:16 the text of the Aramaic Peshitta and the older, less corrupted Old Syriac reads: “And She the Spirit (Ruach) gives testimony to our spirit that we are sons of Elohim (God)” (Romans 8:16). But now we know in the Hebrew Tanakh the Spirit is always female and in the Gk New Testament either male or neuter, which creates a PROBLEM! No one can have three genders! English has three genders, masculine, feminine and neuter (i.e. he, she and it). Hebrew and Aramaic have no neuter gender. In Hebrew and Aramaic everything is either a “he” or a “she” and nothing’s an “it”. The Hebrew word Ruach (Aramaic Rucha) is grammatically feminine just as the phrase Ruach ha Kodesh is. The pronouns used for the Ruach haKodesh in John 14-16 in the Peshitta have all been monked with, they’re are all masculine! Both the Peshitta and Old Syriac have “he” in John 16:8  but the Old Syriac has “she” just a few verses further down in 16:13 while the Peshitta has “he”. But then the monks missed a spot in another passage in which the Peshitta pairs the Ruach haKodesh with feminine verbs and/or feminine modifiers. Mark 1:10 John 1:32-33; 6:63; 7:39 Acts 8:29,39; 16:17 Romans 8: 9-11,16,26a, 26b 1 Corinthians 3:16 1 Timothy 4:1 1 Peter 1:11; 4:14 1 John 5:6 The Holy Spirit is a living conscious being, the manifested power of YHWH. She leads us, guides us, instructs us and teaches us in the way of all truth, John 14:26, Luke 12:12. She shows personality, so she understands (Romans 8:27 Aramaic) She wills (Acts 13:2,1 Corinthians 12:11 Aramaic) She can be grieved (Ephesians 4:30 Aramaic). These terms would be senseless if we’re going to apply them to a impersonal power or influence. The Old Testament teaches us that The Holy Spirit’s feminine. From the empowerment and speaking in tongues found in Numbers Parsha B’haalotcha 11:25 when the Holy Spirit was taken off of Moshe Rabainu and put on the seventy elders and they prophesied (naba: poured forth words of praising, edification, prophecy and songs of divine power, sometimes in a language unknown to the speaker/tongues). Interestingly;  Parsha B’haalotcha is read immediately following Shavuot on the traditional annual cycle. Her name is Sophia/Chocmah/Wisdom Proverbs 8:1 Doth not wisdom cry aloud, and prudence put forth her voice? 2  Standing in the top of the highest places by the way, in the midst of the paths, 3  Beside the gates of the city, in the very doors she speaketh, saying: 4  O ye men, to you I call, and my voice is to the sons of men. 5  O little ones understand subtlety, and ye unwise, take notice. 6  Hear, for I will speak of great things: and my lips shall be opened to preach right things. 7  My mouth shall meditate truth, and my lips shall hate wickedness John 5:6 “Ruach is truth”. John 16:13 “When she Ruach of truth has come she will lead you in all truth”. Romans 8:2 “The Ruach of truth is the Ruach of life.” Proverbs 8:22 vuvh possessed Me in the beginning of His derech, before His works of old. 23 I was set up from everlasting, from the beginning, before the earth was. 24 When there were no depths, I was brought forth; when there were no fountains abounding with mayim. 25 Before the mountains were settled, before the hills was I brought forth: 26 While as yet He had not made the earth, or the fields, or the highe

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