Mystery of the Melchizedek – Part 7

Torah to the Tribes - En podkast av Matthew Nolan - Søndager

The Book of the Covenant – contained “Covenanted Law”, with its Proposal, Agreement and Ratification of Exodus 19:5 – 24:8. There’s no later additions or subtractions (Galatians 3:15). We’re to keep royal law which is those things connected to the Covenant by virtue of the 5th Commandment (shabbat-the connecting rod) being directly stated ‘My’. ‘My’ Sign, ‘My’ Sabbaths, ‘My’ Feasts, ‘My’ Statutes, ‘My’ Judgments, ‘My’ Laws, ‘My’ Precepts, ‘My’ Voice, ‘My’ Oath, ‘My’ Charge, ‘My’ People. The Levitical BoL – contained “Added ‘prescriptive’ (maintenancing) Law”. First announced at Exodus 24:12, first Coined “Book of the Law” at Deuteronomy 29:21, which included several subsequent ‘Multi-Additions’ but none contained the “My” “My voice.” The BoC was ‘Agreed’ upon and ‘Ratified’ which means it’s a ‘a ratified agreement’ – (Exodus 19:8, Exodus 24:3). The BoL was ‘Added’ because of Transgression (Galatians 3:10, 19) and as such was ‘Imposed’ – (Hebrews 9:10) ‘Agreement’ irrevocably will never equal … and … is in fact the direct opposite of … ‘Imposed’! The BoC was the Promised Inheritance (Galatians 3:18) through “the seed” (Galatians 3:19), [To “whosoever will” Luke 9:23] This ‘added’ law spoken of in Exodus 24:12 is what brought the destined BoL subsequently containing “the curses of the Covenant” (Deuteronomy 29:21 that are not stated in the Exodus 19:5-24:8 BoC ). It was initially evoked in Exodus 32 marking the first breaking (Transgression Galatians 3:19) of the Covenant less than 40 days after its ‘Agreed- Ratification. The ‘Set-Apart (Sanctification)’ of Cov will never equal … and … in fact is the direct opposite of ‘Transgression’ BoL related issues. The BoC is one of 3 specifically connected “Abraham” designated “… covenants of promise ” (Ephesians 2:12), that is ‘Set-Apart’ (‘Holy’ – Romans 7:12), that is ‘Spiritual’ (Romans 7:14, James 2:12), that YHWH designates as “My“. The BoL contained the ‘enmity law’, ‘contained in ordinances’ (Ephesians 2:15); which also included the Hebrews 7:16 ‘carnal commandments’ and the Hebrews 9:10 ‘carnal ordinances’ that were ‘imposed’ as opposed to the ‘agreed promise’ of Ephesians 2:12 cov’s of promise The BoC of itself contained one specific limited family curse (Exodus 20:5 – 4th comm honor your mother and father).The BoL contained “All” other Curses (Deuteronomy 29:21). The BoC is the Sinai fulfillment of the Abraham Promise Covenant (Galatians 3:18). The BoL was unknown to Abraham – Galatians 3:17 … Issac and Jacob and his 12 sons the patriarchs of each of the 12 tribes of the house of Israel (themselves also some 200+ years removed from the Mt. Sinai event) BoC relevance to the NT to counter the charge that you can’t divide the law shows a New Covenant continuity (Exodus 19:6; 1 Peter 2:9) … “Abraham ‘obeyed’ all “My Laws” – Genesis 26:5 / Exodus 24:8 / Jeremiah 31:33 / Hebrews 8:10 BoC-Ratified-Exodus 24:7-8 directly linked by Paul to Galatians 3:15…No plus or minus-No Additions, No Subtractions. BoL is the Added Law – Exodus 24:12 (Galatians 3:10, 19) … Not received by the people till Exodus 32 (Never consented/agreed to/or ratified by or with the people, and as such ‘imposed’ Hebrews 9:10) that Includes Multi-later Additions found in Exodus 25 and on, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. BoC – ‘Nomos pistis/Torah of faith’ – as ‘Principal law’ agreed to…. BoL – ‘ergon nomos/BoL of works’ – as ‘prescriptive law’ …imposed BoC Everything ‘In’ the Ark – Exodus 25:16/Deuteronomy 9:10 /Hebrews 9:4 …was Set-apart to YHWH … (Deuteronomy 4:13 “perform”<`asah> defined includes Feasts Exodus 20:8/23:14-16) Everything BoL – ‘By’ the Ark – As ‘witness’ against us – not a promise to, or for us. (Deuteronomy31:26/Colosians2:14) BoL – Man’s – “handwriting of ordinances” Deuteronomy 31:26/Colosians 2:14 (Note – was not voice spoken or finger of “YHWH” written) BoC “Covenants of Promise” Ephesians 2:12, 19 BoL – “witness against” Deuteronomy 31:26/Colosians 2:14 BoL – “Nailed” taken out o

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