Mystery of the Melchizedek – Intro

Torah to the Tribes - En podkast av Matthew Nolan - Søndager

Like I said yesterday: The Romans had a great expression, “ Si vis pacem para bellum” “if you want peace prepare for war.”  Our war is not against flesh and blood but principalities and the vain traditions of men that bind us, keep us shackled to myths and cultural mayhem!  What do we do when we find the Savior? We end up at a church, find a denomination that suites us, ultimately learn their doctrines of what’s acceptable to believe in the scripture and whats not. Then by default we mix in totally unbiblical cultural practices and are taught to put a biblical veneer over them so we can continue to sing to Jesus on Sundays! To the devout, to the committed and transformed believer we can see that veneer cracking as our culture becomes worse each and every Halloween, Christmas and Valentines day! There has got to be more ‘to the faith that was once delivered to the saints!’  What’s it all about? We follow Christ! We’re all familiar with the term Christ, many think it’s Jesus’s last name even. Most don’t even realize the letter J itself is a relatively recent invention from 1530. So now we’re left with the fact that Christ’s “Christian” name didn’t begin with a J, wasn’t even a Christian! fancy that! and the title Christ was in fact used for any one of the “anointed” daily deities chosen from amongst the Greek pantheon. Are we trying to emulate a shadow of the biblical reality? Is that why so many people are looking to go deeper? Have we been presented a veneer by our religious culture instead of the very substance? Deuteronomy 29:29 The secret things belong to יהוה, but those things which are revealed belong to us and to 0ur children forever.  Proverbs 25:2 It is the glory of יהוה to conceal a thing but the honor of kings is to search out a matter.  I want to introduce us to Yeshua, the King of Righteousness , who the author of the book of Hebrews identifies as Malki-Tzedik! I’m going to jump right in with and use biblical names and biblical titles for our studies not made up “English or Greek substitutes as we delve into the word together and peel away the veneer! Yeshua the just one, James the just, the saints are supposed to the just! Just = Tzadik. If you’re disheartened in the faith, your’e not alone and you find yourself in good company! But like these blokes, it’s all going to change! Luke 24:13 The Road to Emmaus.  ……..What are you talking about? ……..Why are you so sad? …….Are you the only one who doesn’t know what things happened in Jerusalem theses past days? …….We were hoping that He was going to redeem Israel…..  יהוה ,doesn’t want us to be foolish in our faith concerning our Savior We must believe all that the prophets have spoken and we must begin with understanding the teachings of Moses and then the Prophets to truly embrace Yeshua! It’s a God given mandate for us and the NIV and Sunday sermons are NOT going to lead us into the intimate relationship that our Savior demands. Matthew 6:33 Seek first the Malkhut יהוה and his Tzadikah!  Romans 10:2 they have a zeal for vuvh, but not according to knowledge. 3 For they being ignorant of vuvh’s tzadikah, go about to establish their own tzakikah, 12 have not submitted themselves to the tzadikah of vuvh. 4 For Moshiach is the actual goal of the Torah for an eternal tzadik standing to everyone that believes.  Our faith is supposed to be a deep work, enabling us to bring inner healing, the alone time where the word transforms…YHWH’s word will lead you into the Melchizedek – heal and cleanse your families and your past sins. Revelation 2: You are Kingdom of Priests right….? Demonstrate how Yeshua is the long awaited Melchizedek – and his people today aren’t supposed to join a denomination but actually are to join a priesthood and function on a higher plane than the religious denominations of men which leave you dry and hungry for His word. GRACE!: Noach, (we’ll come to understand his relationship to the malki-tzedik in a moment) Noach found grace in the sight of יהוה. Chen

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