James the Just – Wrap Up
Torah to the Tribes - En podkast av Matthew Nolan - Søndager

Location: Yaakov was in or around the vicinity of Jerusalem when he wrote this homily. Audience: Hebrew hellenized audience whose recipients reside outside Jerusalem – in the Diaspora, with a substantial part of them living in Phoenicia, Cyprus and Antioch. All 12 tribes – reveals the majority of the so called ‘Jews’ that Yahusha and the talmudic were interacting with were in fact the synagogue of S.a.tan, ‘those who say they are Jews and are not’. Theme: addressing persecution. A very rich Jewish/Hebraic atmosphere, the meeting place of the assembly is still called a synagogue and the oneness of יהוה is still evident (2:19), this is prior to any development of self-consciously Christian theology! The book contains more than 40 allusions from the Tanakh and 4 direct quotes. Object: To strengthen the faith of believers in the midst of persecution, who were being persecuted by the wealthy Jewish and elite class who were guilty of defrauding and oppressing them (NWO today). Language – Septuagintal with only thirteen words in James that aren’t found in the LXX – giving the Greek a very Semitic feel – written originally in Greek borrowing from the Wisdom literature (Sirach, Wisdom of Solomon, and Proverbs). 1.3 the five virtues of faith: patience endurance fortitude steadfastness perseverance 1:14 The family tree of sin needs to cut at it’s root….desire…..three generations! Lust is the mother of sin and the grandmother of death. Lust – the sin nature is the grandmother, sin is the mother, and death the result of sin – the daughter. Lust, like the harlot, entices and seduces those desires. Yaakov’s election to the ‘Episcopate. This is the missing history of Yaakov, Yaakov the undisputed successor to Yahusha and ‘the Bishop of Bishops’ or ‘Archbishop’ ‘Archapostles’ ‘Pillar’ of the community of saints! Something the Institutionalized Church has buried for Millenia – the direct appointment of James – not Peter, as successor to his half-brother Yahusha!  ‘Sacred history’ led us to believe that the Romans burnt down and destroyed the Temple in 70CE. But ‘historical truth’ informs us by way of Josephus that it was the corrupt Levitical priesthood under Ananus that set fire to the Temple– an inside job, rather than let it fall into the hands of followers of the recently martyred Yaakov – the true priesthood! Naassene: To Hippolytus the group always connected with Yaakov, what we know as the priesthood of Yahusha, led later by Yaakov were the Naassenes – a combination of Nazarenes and Essenes – the priesthood of the Malki-Tzedik (Hippolytus 5:1, 10:5). 1:25/2:12 The law of liberty “Law of liberty” what’s this ‘law of liberty?’ It refers to the teaching and instruction of יהוה that sets a person at liberty from curses and condemnation that are contained within the Book of the Law! The Book of the Covenant is made anew and is what liberates Israel NOT from ‘being under the law ’ as a whole as the Institutionalized Church would have you believe – leaving you stranded and lawless outside of covenant fidelity…..but it liberates you from the imposed not agreed to Book of the Law thereby providing you the freedom from the Levitical interpretation of the Book of the Law – the schoolmaster and tutor! 1:12 ’Genesis face’ where Abraham’s face met יהוה and was brought into the covenant ‘law of liberty’. The Word of יהוה is the ‘genesis mirror’ that shows the ‘genesis face’ that leads you back to the ‘genesis law of liberty’ – the Malki-Tzedik covenant adherents are the doers of the Word! 1:25 But whoever looks into the perfect law of liberty (did the Levites live within the perfect law of liberty and freedom or where there severe restrictions placed upon the priesthood and the people? Did the Patriachs Abraham, Isaac and Jacob live within the perfect law of liberty in an unrestricted realm of covenant fidelity?) and continues in it, he will not be a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the mitzvoth; this man shall be blessed in his mitzvoth. יהוה