Happy Times and Places 61st ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL!
Doctor Who: Toby Hadoke’s Time Travels - En podkast av Toby Hadoke - Fredager

Happy 61st Anniversary! There are many brilliant Doctor Who podcasts out there (do check them out) but I defy any of them to have celebrated the anniversary in this manner. An epic commentary - positive, of course - of an anniversary flavoured Doctor Who story with a lengthy, charming and insightful set of exclusive audio snippets from one of its key contributors. It's unlikely to be the story you expect and the special guest doesn't usually do interviews - so strap yourselves in and celebrate Who-day in a as unique and left field manner as possible. I can't promise it will be sensible, and yet... #doctorwho #doctorwhoreaction #doctorwhocommentary #doctorwhocomedian #tobyhadoke #doctorwhofacts #positivedoctorwho #classicdoctorwho Please support these podcasts on Patreon, where you will get advance releases, exclusive content (including a patron-only podcast - Far Too Much Information), regular AMAs and more. Tiers start from as little as £3 per month: patreon.com/tobyhadoke Or there is Ko-fi for the occasional donation with no commitments: ko-fi.com/tobyhadoke Follow Toby on Twitter: @tobyhadoke And these podcasts: @HadokePodcasts And his comedy club: @xsmalarkey www.tobyhadoke.com for news, blog, mailing list and more.