Ep. 82 - Al Csontos, EPRI

Titans Of Nuclear | Interviewing World Experts on Nuclear Energy - En podkast av Bret Kugelmass, Energy Impact Center


In this episode we discuss...

  • Al’s background in material science and his personal journey in the nuclear industry from the NRC to EPRI
  • Ways in which the NRC regulates civilian use of nuclear materials and its role at Yucca Mountain
  • A deep dive into pitting and dry cask storage
  • Various material degradation methods including crevice corrosion
  • The safety and economic benefits of dry storage
  • EPRI’s research improving fuel rod coating to slow down oxidation and prolong fuel cycle within a pressurized water reactor
  • Ways in which EPRI is working to accelerate the deployment of these concepts
  • Test reactors and how they’re working to expedite material qualifications

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