Ep. 39 - Tom Fanning, Argonne National Lab

Titans Of Nuclear | Interviewing World Experts on Nuclear Energy - En podkast av Bret Kugelmass, Energy Impact Center


Episode Content:

  • Tom's introduction to the nuclear industry from a history project.  

  • How Trenoble reinforced the importance of nuclear and safety.  

  • Why reactor physicists are crucial when designing reactors.  

  • Unprotected loss of flow tests and unprotected loss of heat sync tests.  

  • Scram Systems and their importance during a shutdown failure.  

  • The Generation 4 International Forum.  

  • Why it's important to be involved and engaged in the international community.  

  • The difference in start-up procedures for sodium reactors and light water reactors.  

  • SAS and what code means in the nuclear world.  

  • Economic modeling for reactors and the future of sodium technology.  

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